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how difficult would this be to do? I also want to draw with code.
Replies: >>196933 >>197257
>>196928 (OP) 
This doesn't seem hard, just time-consuming. From what I see, basically what he's doing is just writing specific coordinates and colors for lines, so just like HTML/CSS in general, it's not "true" code that involves logic, it's just monkey work of writing things down manually.
>>196928 (OP) 
They are creating a HTML table and filling each cell with the corresponding pixel colour of an image. There are online tools which will let you upload an image and will give you the HTML code
A white person would just write a program that generates a table from an image in a half hour instead of spending an eternity manually editing html like a retard.

For (row in picture) 
  Print <tr>
  For (col n picture) 
     Print <td class=box-color(row, col)>
  Print </tr>
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Even if you do that, it'll still generate bloated nonsense. Things used to be so much simpler, before everything became niggerlicious.
A white person would do this: <img src="image.png">.
>OP asks an innocent question and posts a cute video
>gets met with a chorus of codefaggots bleeding out of their hairholes over it
Is it any wonder why companies would rather hire pajeets and robots?
Replies: >>197517 >>197528
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Who cares about some faggot IT stonks bubble companies. I'm not buying their shit. All my fake ass (not real money) federal reserve notes go into food and silver, simple as.
what's a hairhole
Replies: >>197532
Don't worry about it.
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