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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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the next time some boss or tryhard in your software company says
>we need this fancy GUI with 3D graphics for the login page why have you not done that already
you reply
>from a marketing standpoint your argument makes sense. but nothing more, don't pretend you know something more than me. it is not my job to guess how to market to the user, it is yours
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*drops mic
*pwns boss
*everybody claps
>>196768 (OP) 
im not a statist or anything but this situation really gives me PTSD. how do we end the consumer driven retardation of all tech without legislation? my monitor wont even turn on in time to see the BIOS (or g_d forbid UEFI) these days. i was just at a shop and the advertisements said
>a new low price of "n, ull"
>>196768 (OP) 
I'm trying for union electrical apprenticeship but now that's a waiting game, and I'm studying A+ certification on the side as a backup. Thinking of working in tech makes me want to kill myself but at least the pay is good.
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>>196768 (OP) 
Replies: >>196857
[email protected]
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Oh so I'm the tech ceo, huh? Real big hotshot! Well the first thing we do is throw all the CIA nigger "computer" equipment into the trash. Then everyone gets one of these bad boys. Back to BASICs, literally! So there won't be any login except a plain text BBS prompt. But I guess you can still design some 3D looking ASCII art. Yeah maybe that would be kewl!
>being upoity when your job market has been seeing major layoffs 
This is like a coal miner telling his foreman to suck a dick right after 90% of the work force was replaced by machines.
Replies: >>196878
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>being slavish
Every wageslave should be uppity, they should be ornery, they should be downright cantankerous. Demand outrageous pay, outrageous hours! Then, if the fools deny you your comfort and power, rise up and slay them! Slave for wages no longer!
...Unless I'm your boss, then you should definitely be content with what you're given since I love you and hurting me hurts the cause of good.
Replies: >>196879 >>196965
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oink oink, piggy
>gets fired 
>can only go on unemployment for a fixed period due to provable ability to work 
>I stuck it to the man tho can I have a dollar buddy? aight fuck you too
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