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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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People who believe in new age bullshit would be better dead.
>>196646 (OP) 
The once noble board of /fringe/, now lost to time, frowns upon you.
As above, so below.
i was one of them and i went insane after a few years, shit's dangerous
>>196646 (OP) 
It's highly correlated with being a druggy.
>>196646 (OP) 
i actually dislike life because it is painful and it sucks
but i dont want to be dead
i want to do something other than be alive
Replies: >>196728 >>196731
that's quite the dilemma. maybe you can practice how to lucid-dream and induce sleep for long periods of time.
Replies: >>196731
The beauty of Anime and VNs unironically made me want to be alive so that I can indulge in them.
Replies: >>196770
Sounds like you need to activate your heart chakra buddy.
Replies: >>196741
Fuck off with your shizo pajeet cowshit, Dikshit >>187258
You can argue that anime or videogames are just escapism, but man, is a healthier hobby than expending all your money on fortune telling and doing stupid rituals all day.
Replies: >>196773
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>expending all your money on fortune telling
Why would fortune telling cost any money? Get a tarot deck and do it yourself.
>doing stupid rituals all day
If you're "doing rituals all day", you're probably doing something wrong.
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You won 5 internets today, bro! Keep fighting those boogeymen!
>>196646 (OP) 
>People who believe in new age bullshit would be better dead.
Well their brain already is, if they follow that shit.
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