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 Dress to impress!

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I'm 40, and I blew a chance with a girl who liked me in high school. Romance has passed me by most of my life. But I just wrote this email to her. What do you think of it.

>I'm sorry if you're going through troublesome things, and I won't ask you about it. But I did want to say some things to you, otherwise, time might pass me by and I will regret having never said them to you?

>I always thought you were lovely. We held hands once at school on a balcony, and my heart was beating fast the whole time. I loved every bit of it. I fantasized about having you as my girlfriend, and taking you to the movies, and kissing you. Or going for a walk with you somewhere private, where no-one can see, and holding you. You had a bright smile and whenever you'd laugh or smile my heart would jump a little. Girls often feel insecure about their looks but I think you should know, you're one of the prettiest girls I knew and you were the apple of my eye. Sometimes in a crowd I would see someone and crane my neck to look, hoping that they are you. But they never are!

>I know the past can't be returned to, but I still visit there, in my mind.

Do you think she will like it?
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fake story iv seen this image before
>>196059 (OP) 
I'm sure she will appreciate it simp
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>>196059 (OP) 
If you're 40 she's probably around 40 too by now. That's way too old. Just take the 2D pill for eternal youth!
Replies: >>196092 >>196167
>dat rainbow
Replies: >>196137
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That rainbow has 7 colors you blind fuck
Replies: >>196141
>After some research last night I realized that yes the pride flag is the chakras flipped upside down (satanic) but a /pol/ person pointed out that there's a missing Chakra. The crown chakra. This chakra is your connection to your higher self (AKA God). It's not an accident that this is missing from the flag. Corona is latin for Crown. What kind of vaccine are they pushing? A CORONA vaccine. They aren't vaccinating you from a virus. They are vaccinating you of your connection from God. If anyone remembers that story of the religious man who got the vaccine and suddenly felt like he was cut off from God. That is why. This vaccine is made to cut off your connection with God. (If anyone recalls they know what part of your DNA is responsible for faith. They call it the "God gene". Anyway yeah. That is what's going on. Most children are forced to get this vaccine, and if you know how genetic memory works, then their children will not be able to have the God gene either. That's why they're in no rush to get everyone vaccinated. Just as many people as possible.
>>196059 (OP) 
>Do you think she will like it?

I think her husband will like it even less.
Replies: >>196148
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When I was in college I used to always buy 2 litre bottles of diet coke on campus and the lady at the register always winked at me while saying the price loudly so everyone could hear it: ONE SIXTY NINE! Do you think I should contact that lady for an diet coke?
Replies: >>196148 >>196167
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[stonetoss burgers guy] Husband?
(actually I have no idea if she's married or has kids)

Just for everyone's edification, I had emailed her in the past, and she told me quite curtly not to contact her, citing difficult life circumstances, but I wrote that email to her anyway.
She replied and thanked me for the nice words, but said she "doesn't see the point in looking back and think of what could have been regardless of the situation. I think that is pointless."

Do you think girls shove the base of these coke bottles up themselves? It's pretty knobbly and probably feels good.
Not the 2L bottles obviously, unless they're really experienced.
Replies: >>196691 >>197216
>>196059 (OP) 
I can't imagine keeping or wanting to keep any contact information with anybody I went to high school with, so I have no idea if your email will achieve the desired effect or not.
>But I did want to say some things to you, otherwise, time might pass me by and I will regret having never said them to you?
LOL that's not a question, why did you put a question mark at the end of that sentence!? Are you STUPID or what!? Hahahahahahhahahaha!!
Replies: >>196696
No, she should be geriatric by now. See: >>196075 (2nd and 3rd sentences)
bro if i was a bitch getting an email from an ex i am not click that shit nigga
Hard to believe a 40 year old woman doesn't like the attention. Perhaps she does have a husband and children
40? Please, stop embarassing yourself.
Replies: >>196696
but also this
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>Just for everyone's edification, I had emailed her in the past, and she told me quite curtly not to contact her, citing difficult life circumstances, but I wrote that email to her anyway.
>She replied and thanked me for the nice words, but said she "doesn't see the point in looking back and think of what could have been regardless of the situation. I think that is pointless."
Honestly i thought that e-mail you wrote was pretty sweet, and any woman would have appreciated something like that, but i would say that now is way too late for that shit, sorry pal.
I have plenty of regrets too, sometimes i go back with my mind and think about what could have been but never was, but sometimes, especially when a lot of years pass, it's just better to move on, even if thinking about it once in a while doesn't hurt.
I mean, thinking about what could have been is fine, but wanting to take action after all these years?
It's not only about the fact that most likely she moved on herself, but you risk of opening an old wound of yours and suffer all over again.
It's not worth it.
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