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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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How are you guys preparing for it?
I've been slowly buying and hoarding a ton of canned food and bottled water and I found myself a high spot to throw myself from, just high enough to break a leg if they try to draft me.

I am now saving up for a diesel and a solar powered generator.
Replies: >>196094 >>196121
I'm broke. ;_;
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Got born in a place where nobody will bother invading
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Schizo reddit thread.
Replies: >>196089
>buzzword buzzword thread
Why do you even bother posting?
Replies: >>196096
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>>196050 (OP) 
>caring about "war"
The only thing I'm missing is a ((( car ))) and I can fuck off with all my camping shit innawoods. Mandatory insurance though? Petrol forced upon me? An overly high price, over half my paycheck just to slowly buy it so it can break upon being finally bought years from now? Without living with the parents I'll have to turn on the ((( cellphone's ))) sim too for net access, that's another gay bill. 

Anyway, in case I lose my job I need the car anyway so s for new job opportunitites. It's the only way they realistically let you win is through a ((( car ))). My "shtf' is just me having less money. ww3 probably won't even get the lights turned off. It didn't in the first two, depending on where you were. Stop romanticizing their drama. The powers that be just get a sort of cabin fever whenever bored. Who cares? Let them fly off to another country when they scare themselves and let another one rule. It won't make a difference. They won't use the bombs. If they do your plans won't matter. Priorities.
>wah wah a shorthand for "schizophrenic" is a buzzword
>wah wah the name of a social media website is a buzzword
Why do you even bother posting?
Replies: >>196103
He's right thi
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>>196050 (OP) 
I don't think I'm in danger for the war/draft as much as for the economic collapse arising from it.
I don't make the money for stockpiling silver so I learned a must-have trade and I'm currently filling my PC with everything I would potentially want if I had to spend several years without internet.
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Fellow cornpops, we need to send moar money to our allies and go to war in the Middle-east, and Ukraine, and Taiwan too! Just remember to not worry about the mostly peaceful southern border immigration. Yeah, because this country won't survive if we don't get fresh new scientists and engineers.
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