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 Dress to impress!

Adult Swim posted 6days ago on thier TikTok account, a video that show a short trailer for new season of Smiling Friends
captured " See you in Sunday "
I really love this show but istg is an April fool as always. What do u guys think?
Replies: >>195421
Update : 3h ago they re-mentioned the same event
>>195417 (OP) 
I grew up without cable and once I got the Interweb access I just copyright infringed animu from other places so I think I do not care.
Replies: >>195881
Smiling Friends is okay. It's certainly on the higher end of AS shows; but it feels like it only gets the attention that it's getting because it was made by stupid fuckin' ecelebs.
Replies: >>195636 >>195709
i mean, not wrong but that really applies to everything made by someone who is already famous.
Except Zach got the show he wanted because he worked hard for it, not because he sat in front of a camera and fake "reacted" to stupid shit or made a bunch of gay video essays. Letting it puit a damper on something you like purely because he has a youtube account is stupid. I'll never understand why anons will lump everything together in one basket like this, completely ignore any kind of nuance, and then pretend they're somehow smarter than cattle.
Replies: >>195722
My problem with this show isn't the people behind it, it's that the entire Internet is going to suck it off for 1-2 months after the full season releases.
Replies: >>195820
Stop watching TV boomer.
Why do you give a shit? Do you actually read comment sections or look at subreddits? Why? Why not just watch a thing you enjoy and disregard input from the peanut gallery entirely? There's no way you can enjoy anything but the most obscure shit imaginable if you let meaningless rxe audience input affect you that much.
I don't know what happened there.
he probably cares that one fellatiated success leads to a genre shift
>Why not just watch a thing you enjoy
That's the thing: I don't enjoy it, not particularly. It probably wouldn't even be on my radar if it wasn't for the nauseating amount of attention from all directions.
But if everybody loves it, then you have to love it too.
Replies: >>195840
>doesn't like it
>apparently hangs around places where people do like it
>also brings it up when no one was talking about it
You are the cause of your own suffering.
Replies: >>195844 >>195846
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>you are the cause of your own suffering
>>apparently hangs around places where people do like it
Is this the part where I ask you what you've been doing on the Internet to avoid that crap, which you'll take the opportunity to humble brag about how disconnected from the modern Internet you are, despite the clear fact that you're wasting your time mucking around on a site like this instead of focusing on your hobbies or apparent social life?
>>also brings it up when no one was talking about it
The topic of this thread is about that show.
Replies: >>195885
>Is this the part where I ask you what you've been doing on the Internet to avoid that crap, which you'll take the opportunity to humble brag about how disconnected from the modern Internet you are, despite the clear fact that you're wasting your time mucking around on a site like this instead of focusing on your hobbies or apparent social life?
No, but good to know you got mad an assumed a bunch of shit and that this conversation will probably be a total waste of time moving forward unless I feel like getting into a shitflinging match.
>it's what the thread is about
I thought you were the OP. I assumed too much there then my bad.
Replies: >>195947
It is stupid to seek out places that talk about shit you hate but that clearly wasn't OP.
You guys have less than a dozen or so subjects that you inevitably gravitate towards and then you freak out when I exhibit basic pattern recognition.
Anyway, the jewtube algorithm is already forcefeeding me content from the new season so I guess that my suffering has begun.
Go ahead and give me platitudes about jewtube being shit like I don't know more about it than you do, by the way. You're just proving my point.
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