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why the fuck does archive.today not save the images? So many zzz threads are just full of 404 images due to this nigger site only saving the thumbnails. How the fuck is anyone archiving stuff supposed to know that you have to archive every fucking image individually and who the fuck is ever going to bother doing that boring garbage?
Replies: >>195472
I can't assume that would be cheap for the owner of the site
I don't think it's that much of a problem unless it's a really good image or it's relevant to the topic.
>you have to archive every fucking image individually
I could probably write a script that does that automatically, though you have to buy me 10 bags of chips as a reward.
However, if something like this was used en masse, the owner of the site could implement a captcha and that would suck.
Replies: >>195479
>>195315 (OP) 
It worked when I did it though..... or maybe it was thumbnails? At first I could not even load the site on most devices though, I had to fix my browser. Don't expect great shit in current year.
>you have to buy me 10 bags of chips as a reward
Well what are you waiting for? I'm shipping you 10 bags of Doritos wherever you are. Why isn't OP using archive.org?
Replies: >>195482 >>195716
>Why isn't OP using archive.org?
For some reason archive.today is more popular among '"'alt right'"' and imageboard-oriented people. I'm guessing it's because archive.org is pozzed in some way and has censored stuff before, maybe.
>who the fuck is ever going to bother doing that boring garbage?
archive.org saves all the JS cancer and "interactive" elements including pop-ups, meanwhile archive.today saves pages in a completely static form that is much more readable. That being said, there are (rare) cases where you might want the interactive elements.
Replies: >>195721
i do that boring garbage and have for years but only for specific threads on not here
>That being said, there are (rare) cases where you might want the interactive elements.
Most often they require the servers which are offline or no longer serve the content you archived.
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