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I trying to save an impressionable friend from turning his newborn kid into yet another victim of the needle jew. What would make a concise and effective speech to expose the vaxx scam? So far I have thought of:
>The whole vaccination program subsists on fallacies and fearmongering. Telling parents their kids will die if they don't consume their products, from diseases that no longer proliferate and of which there's no proof of vaccination has had any success against. They have only profit in mind and not the patient's well being.
>Diseases are prevented through sanitation and good diet, not by man-made manipulation of the immune system.
>Covid proved the depths of malevolence in the health system. Showing how vaccines are not properly regulated, and that vaccine injury has long been censored and dismissed.
>What there is proof of, is the rise in autoimmune diseases: allergies, autism, etc. Corresponding to the multiplication of shots in the calendar.
Anyone has any suggestions for improving the pitch? 
Some literature recommendations on the subject would also be appreciated.
Replies: >>195305 >>195325
There is no point in talking to people like that, if they are willing to make them take something without their consent, they are fucking braindead and deserve a bullet through the skull. That person is the same kind of person that would make their child get circumcised
Replies: >>195271 >>195308
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I think there's hope for him, he just goes along the rest of the cattle because no opposition was ever presented and that's what everyone is doing. If taken apart and explained these things he might reconsider.
The jews use the same tactic with faggotry and transgenderism. "Would you rather have a gay/transgender kid or a kid that commited suicide?" despite the fact that suicide rates only go up after HRT and/or castration and fags will likely die of AIDS or drug overdoses. This is after jews implanted the disgusting ideas in impressionable children's minds in the first place through the media and school curriculum. I hope the parents of that kid plan to homeschool and not expose the kid to globohomo media.
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If the guy or the woman who gave birth already got any Covid vaccine his kid is already fucked.
Replies: >>195305 >>195354
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>>195269 (OP) 
Maybe there's something useful for you here.
Also, you could tell them how long it took to develop the polio vaccine (5 years or more) vs how quick the clotshot was shat out.
How on earth did he manage to get her pregnant, and how did she manage to even concieve in the first place?
The vaccine screws up reproductive abilities in both genders.
circumcision is good, it incourages men to have raw sex and thus have more offspring
That's not where sage goes RETARD
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Send him this video:
The speaker (Brandy Vaughan) was suicided by big pharma goons for speaking out about childhood vaxx. I've got another related video from her that maybe is still on youtube, but I can't tell with my non-botnet browser. Anyway this is the link:
Replies: >>195354 >>195358
I'd gas you but because the holocaust isn't real, I'll have you slowly bleed to death as kikes and mudshits do with their food.
>>195269 (OP) 
While the covid clotshot was pretty bad, I don't think normal vaccines are that harmful. Not saying that you should vaccinate your children, but if not vaccinating them is going to cause legal problems (eg. can't be allowed to school, etc), it's better to give up.
>t. kike
Replies: >>195354
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All of this is very helpful thanks a lot guys.
Yeah, I'm afraid so, but I want to try mitigating further damage.
Very good source, will see if I can extract any bulletpoints from it.
>not vaccinating them is going to cause legal problems.
That's thankfully not an issue where I live.
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In most european countries is like these, the mandatory or important ones are when you are a baby, then were you 6 year old and 12-13 year old
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Replies: >>198749
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>first pic
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