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I just had another epic dudeweed shower thought: could "wokeness" (i.e. leftist mental illness) actually be useful as a some kind of decay detector?

For example, when a company starts adopting woke policies, it's a sign that decay has started to set in, there's now too many people who are completely detached from the actual product/service that the company is known for, so it's time to jump ship and start over.

I'm not sure exactly how you could "use" wokeness without getting the whole societal collapse thing along with it, but I think there may be potential in the idea or something similar.
Replies: >>195233 >>195496
No shit, nigga. Go back where you came from.
>>195188 (OP) 
ESG funded faggot shit can't create series that people are genuinely excited for (see: all the games with a gay brownoid woman protagonist that you don't remember), so the next best thing is to latch on to series that people do like. It sucks all the life out of that series like a tumor, then it's forced to move on to the next thing it hasn't ruined yet. It's the exact same type of people making the exact same mistakes.
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thats what you get when you let NIGGAS in yo organization
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>>195188 (OP) 
SJWs are a hedge against total dystopia
modern technology allows spreading out mortality and criminal punishment across the population in some even manner
note that this is different from a random distribution
for instance, self driving cars may crash more on certain roads
or they will crash more with drivers of certain intelligence level brackets
or they will crash more with people of certain habits that have nothing to do with whether they would crash in a normal vehicle
or they will crash more depending on race
same for automated policing, who gets fucked by the false positives can depend on all kinds of variables, it's not random
the race card has been used against CCTV in every neighbourhood and against police state apps like Amazon Neighbours
the race card has been used against automated policing, such as having a database that tells the cop a background (attained via datamining) of the person he is going to visit
so the SJW can always argue that such a technology punishes race
and this is maybe the sole thing holding us back from absolute dystopia
without niggers we would have been in 1984 in 1984
Replies: >>195497 >>195500
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Worth it, growing hurts sometimes
You know there was a population of normal people in 1984 yea, they were left alone besides exposure to propaganda that they were resistant to anyway and the Society the main characters are in mostly existed to keep busy bodies  busy
Replies: >>195502
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