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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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stop using JS
stop using youtube for your <video>s
stop having cookie popups
stop blocking users based on IP address
stop making captchas that block IP addresses
stop blocking scrapers
stop using a WAF
stop having ways for web pages to make popups / steal focus / switch tab
stop being slow
stop wasting RAM
stop basing layout on pixels
stop showing web pages, news and other shit on new browser install / update
stop putting cloud shit in browser
stop getting in the way of HTTP / self signed websites
stop linking to amazon
stop using short links
stop blogging for profit
stop lazy loading images
stop your download will start shortly click here if it does not start within 5 seconds
stop using github
stop using youtube
stop "content creation"
stop using spotify
stop using social media
stop using emoji
stop being a search engine that doesn't link directly to results
stop giving search results for amazon instead of what was asked for
stop playing games in the browser
stop being a browser with top bar of window not conforming to the OS
stop showing a different type of management dialog for each different download
stop warning about security
stop making things with <3
stop floating footer and header
stop asking to sign up for newsletter
stop asking for donations
stop forcing 2FA
stop needing sign up
stop needing email
stop needing cell phone
stop using email white/black lists
stop dropping SMTP/POP/IMAP
stop moderating
stop regulating web shit
stop having a COVID popup on a website for a NES emulator (ok, you eventually stopped, but go back and stop)
Is this spam or did you write this?
Why on /b/ instead of /tech/?
Replies: >>194508
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Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.
Replies: >>194328 >>194413
Dude why do you make a thread if you don't reply?
Replies: >>194359
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that wasn't me and if you cant tell the difference between the two posts you aren't worth having things explained
>>194312 (OP) 
>stop having a COVID popup on a website for a NES emulator (ok, you eventually stopped, but go back and stop)
What tranny emulator did this happen to?
>>194312 (OP) 
...in the name of love, before you break my heart
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You don't need this. And you don't need that. And especially not that.

Too complicated plan, and not good enough. Just get an 8-bit computer, and make your own Forth environment from scrach.
>an essay on how you can tell i never hosted anything with more users than myself
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i have hosted bigger sites than this. perhaps you are projecting
Replies: >>194474 >>194536
>I have hosted bigger sites than this one that has a grand total of maybe 20 users
Whoah what an accomplishment
Replies: >>194498
>implying sleepy is less than 20 users
Actually you're probably right.
>Why on /b/ instead of /tech/?
It is illegal to post threads like this on /tech/.
i dont care
Hope I can get or make armor like that. That would be cool.
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>>194312 (OP) 
>stop using JS
what's your alternative CS? no way
Replies: >>195203
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HTML, preferably an older version of the RFC from the 90's. I guess that probably means 3.2 or older.
A cat^H^H^Hgopher is fine too.
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stop adding delays (like that stupid fucking sliding animation that isnt even smooth) between viewing images
stop showing images in a slideshow widget at all
Replies: >>195258
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> mfw using FBI to view images
Show me a good site to use other than jewtube, I want, but all the alternatives are crap so far.
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