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It's becoming harder and harder enjoy myself other than spending time with my cat and music (which gets stale after a while). Another thing that calms me is taking showers/baths. I probably take on average 5 of them every day I have off from work. I'm also afraid because I'm not sure if I'm ever going to own a home. I want my own home because I want my cat to eventually have kittens (while keeping all of them) and I want kids of my own and I'm tired of paying for something I'll never own but have to pay for if it is deemed I damaged anything. My biggest problem is I have 0 credit for a home loan and not enough to buy something outright and frankly, I don't think I even want to involve a bank, I'll only do so if it's absolutely necessary. I have a budget of 25k and the best I can afford are polebarns (which I may never get to code because of cancerous zoning laws but this does seem to be the best option), and very tiny mobile homes/prefab houses which definitely wouldn't pass the inspections either. I even had a plan in case I had to deal with the banks, I would overpay my mortgage every month to the tune of my entire paycheck and my parents would pay all the other expenses which would take about 5 years to pay off and after that my parents can finally retire. I'm just sick and tired of seeing my parents working like slaves every day and my parents aren't exactly in that great of physical shape. My mom is emaciated and my dad has had back surgery. I used to post a lot here but that has slowed to a crawl and now I just post music occasionally. I wish I could come up with something different to say but all that would amount to is cynicism and pessimism. I'm sorry for dumping a blog post on you all but I needed to get it off my chest
>>193893 (OP) 
interesting, got motivated to keep on reading after 2nd sentence of talking about your life, stay on /b/
I'm glad you're working toward something, and that you have concrete goals that have some chance of success.
Replies: >>193910
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>>193893 (OP) 
>I probably take on average 5 of them every day I have off from work.
You might end up with skin problems.
>I'm also afraid because I'm not sure if I'm ever going to own a home.
Not very likely with the way the economy is going right now.
You sure as hell can't make enough money to buy a home with wages alone.
>I'm glad you're working toward something
How is rampant inflation not going to fuck him over?
Replies: >>193911 >>193913
>How is rampant inflation not going to fuck him over?
I told you how I'd do it. I'd pay my entire paycheck to the bank and my parents (who would be living with me) would pay for the utility bills and food. Our combined income is a little above $100,000 a year
>You might end up with skin problems.
I don't use soap for 4 of them
Replies: >>193914
Soap is not the problem, (warm) water is.
Replies: >>194042
<Bad goy! You can't take too many showers!  Global warming! We will run out of water and electricity! Go to college!
<You wont have warm showers in the camps we put you in goyim better get used to taking one bath a week! Eat the bugs! I want to feel better than some mere peasant! It's my steak! Your pain pleases me!  Get away from my pool water! *buys bitcoin with his family's money in case of 'reset'*
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>I used to post a lot here but that has slowed to a crawl and now I just post music occasionally
Same unfortunately.
Replies: >>194123
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Yeah I've also noticed myself posting much less nowadays. I think the economic hardship of the last year has taken its toll on me and I lack either energy or imagination to post. I'm just so busy all the time I don't feel that inspirational thrust as much as I used to.
Or maybe I'm just so tired and bored of the current state of the world I have subconsciously gone into energy saving mode while waiting for everything to collapse. Why try hard for anything at this point?
Replies: >>194129 >>194132
> collapse
Yes, but they'll just replace the failed dollar system with a CBDC. That was the plan all along. So you'll need to fight against that, just as you fought against vaxx bullshit (if you did). The fighting has only just begun.
For me the webring swings between inanity and boring, and I've found no replacement for the niche that imageboards socially filled for me. It's a piece of the pie that's channeled me further into isolation. Even when not I have no will to discuss anything out of dejection.
>>193893 (OP) 
Has anything changed during this 1 month?
Replies: >>198143 >>198145
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No. Fuck everything.
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The silver train started leaving the station on April 1st.
Replies: >>198146
Wake me up when it's staying above $30
Replies: >>198147 >>198148
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But the prices already suck for stacking. They want like 30 euros for a cheap coin like these. I used to buy them for 24 or even less.
But there's a lot of pressure for spot price to go higher, because the central banks keep buying tons of gold, driving its price up, and silver eventually has to follow. And the Shanghai exchange is setting higher prices for both metals. I'm sure it will break 30 this year.
>he thinks spot price is real price
kitco spot is the JP Morgan fixed price.
New mint from someplace like sunshine is the real price.
It's been above 30 for some time now.
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