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What would happen if dating apps showed you how many people have liked someone? Like imagine seeing a pretty girl and then seeing the names/faces of 2700 other guys below it who clicked "like" or swiped right/left or whatever you do in dating apps. And same the other way, what would women do if they ran into chad and saw that there's 10000 other women after his dick?

Obviously that makes someone look more valuable, but I wonder if it would help people lower their standards since you could see a visual representation of the amount of people who you need to compete against.
>>193180 (OP) 
Girls get more likes than boys on apps that aren't strictly dating apps. This has been known and documented for a good decade, if not more.
>but I wonder if it would help people lower their standards since you could see a visual representation of the amount of people who you need to compete against.
That doesn't line the pockets of whoever is developing said dating apps. You can't feed and house yourself with honesty anymore, sadly.
Dating apps screw up your view of reality. Throw in the fact that some women use them purely just for a confidence boost, with no intention of dating anyone, and you have even more reason to stay away from them.
Replies: >>193186
You can stay away from them but you can't make other people stay away from them.
Replies: >>193188 >>193194
religions that force other people to follow it will be the only ones represented in the future
Your view is inefficient
Replies: >>193189
Dating apps are sacred according to the current world-wide religion that forces you to follow it.
Replies: >>193190 >>193194
the current "world" religion is a death cult, they don't have longevity
Replies: >>193192
It's going to live longer than any of us.
Replies: >>193210
You don't meat any women through dating apps that aren't fat, old or used up.
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> dating apps
> likes
What's next, facebook?
Replies: >>196017
Dont know about that but if it does then it is a shit death cult
>>193180 (OP) 
it would tell you what you already know and be an otherwise meaningless number like youtube views or page hits
>>193180 (OP) 
>I wonder if it would help people lower their standards since you could see a visual representation of the amount of people who you need to compete against.
No it wouldn't because women are retarded
>>193180 (OP) 
>what if men knew that no one liked them
Then no one would use it including the feeeemales. then again it already probably does that sort of thing of which is why to this day half of the Japanese are virgins. It doesn't work. OKcupid used to be okay and it turned into tinder. I don't like even hearing about dating sites because even okstupid was a great failure at trying to sort people. They admitted to lying about dating percentages, the match percentage rather, they lied and played with people's lives. It's sick. People are meant to meet at childhood and know one another not just slut around. If they want sluts then why not just let people hook? Faggot ass society. Taking down backpage and shit. You know rich people still have escorts.
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