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 Dress to impress!

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Autistic people don't understand the concept of 'identity'. Autistic people generally only understand concepts, tasks and behaviours that are linked to immediate and clear outcomes. Another way to look at it - autistic people expect every event to be linked to a causal factor that should be immediately apparent and simple to understand (sometimes people confuse this for deep, obsessive, detail-oriented thinking - no, it's just retardation).
So when gender identity disorder is presented in the media as a reason for people to feel alienated from society, or incapable of coping with their own emotions - that's a compelling narrative for any person unable to understand the complex and changing feelings they experience in response to the world.
Gender identity disorder is real, and therapies exist to deal with it. But when significally autistic people insist on being transgender, it's bullshit. They are literally too retarded to even get through the tests we use to identify GID or gender dysphoric feelings. It'd be like giving a calculus test to a cocker spaniel. Significantly autistic people cannot comprehend what identity is, cannot describe their own emotions, cannot dependably identify gender expression in others, cannot be tested for any of it - and this explosion in autistic/transgender co-incidence is a consequence of retards being preyed upon by "internet posters".
Pic rel is exhibit A of this.
<every autistic person is the same
<every autistic person is cwc
<every autistic person has GID
You sure you're not the autist here, faggot?
Replies: >>192356
>t. butthurt autist
Replies: >>192358
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>>192054 (OP) 
Where do BPD people fit in to, they lack a coherence of indentity themselves but they seem to understand emotions, identity, other ambiguous parts of the human condition better than most (to a dangerous degree in some cases) and think in manners opposite of autistics (nearly schizo in some cases). They have high concurrence with gender identity disorder too, iirc.
Replies: >>192379 >>192618
A lot of people diagnosed with BPD just have extreme volatility and unless this is cultivated and contained to a really high degree by external symbolic systems (like a religion or strong cultural expectations) it creates a kind of helplessness and an instinct for attaching to whatever is making you feel "valid" in the moment. In normal BPD this manifests as the willingness to go with the flow of whatever insane splitting episode you're having, when you feel betrayed or humiliated for example, the pain is so unbearable just beneath the surface of your conscious mind that you are relieved when you can swing back at it by becoming equally aggressive.
This creates a volatile personality that always seems to "have a problem" and can't just relax, which can only really create stable relationships with people it can victimize or enter into a codependent cycle with, so the BPD person is pushed even further away from potential self-awareness of what it feels like to be in an episode, and thus the possibility of learning things like just not reacting until the episode is over (the real cure for it, which takes years to develop). Transgenderism is not just overtly an identity that a person with this condition can attach to, it's also a whole social system with guaranteed avenues for meeting lots of people you can enter into sick victim/codependent relationships with.
Whatever feelings already exist in BPD, like bottomless pit victimhood, self-loathing, paranoia about humiliation, total humiliation and incredible anger afterwards, unrealistic desire for complete certainty and total solutions to all these, and rubber banding between all of them, these are given a very convenient vehicle by transgenderism which is a victim ideology that also enables and encourages promiscuous and irresponsible sexual behavior and covers up for creepy and overly amorous behaviors that a BPD person often lapses into and then feels ashamed of, so once again it's externally a shield for those behaviors and internally an excuse not to feel the shame.
What's really interesting to me is that these people are themselves developing the transgender ideology "for" it from within it, in the same way capitalism develops through each individual capitalist's innovation or profit margin adjusting incrementally, or a corporation manifests psychopathic behavior through the aggregate behavior of many individuals who are not themselves as psychopathic. Transgenderism is like an organism that is growing and absorbing all the worst aspects of the mental illnesses of its members, feeding off of them while deepening their illnesses.
Replies: >>192618
>>192054 (OP) 
Chris became a tranny because he's been surrounded and controlled by women his entire life, the only guy he's even been on friendly terms with was his pussywhipped father, and he hated being a man.
Trannies are a fad that most people partake in for the social validation or to get laid. Like disco.
Replies: >>192411
>Trannies are a fad that most people partake in for the social validation or to get laid.
Plenty of people "partake" in troonery because they are given no choice but to be involved in the fetishism of these people. If you were to object publicly to these faggots you would be at a loss socially, because we live in a gay world where saying a man who cuts off his balls and wears dresses is not, in fact, a woman.

Didn't read the rest of this thread and OP is a faggot
Replies: >>192442
I don't disagree with you, but I mean "partake in" as in putting on the dress.
>>192054 (OP) 
>Tardos don’t work properly
No shit
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To me these posts are illuminating, after reading them and reevaluating myself and the memories of my entire life for the past day or two I suspect that I might be bipolar and I want to stop being that way so I can connect with people properly and cultivate true connections and compassion from others instead of being inconsistent and at times unpleasant or inconsiderate. If it is true that I am bipolar, then I might not want to stop because I’ll loose the special sense, appreciation, or awareness of certain things that I developed from being this way. To clarify I’m not transexual or anything like that.
Replies: >>192619 >>192626
BPD and Bipolar are different things bro
Replies: >>192626 >>198477
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Well then I’m confident that I’m retarded at least.
To give an example of the special sense, awareness, and appreciation that I think I have developed here’s some underground art that has to do with what I’m talking about that I would not have appreciated or even maybe found out about if I had not been the way I am.
Clearly I could not discover or appreciate this sort of stuff through my intelligence because I have a disappointing lack of that, so I feel like my emotions guided me to this and I’m that I should stick to my usual way of thinking and being or else I’d be lost.
Replies: >>192648 >>198475
Fucking great stuff.
Have you heard Kolya? I think you'd enjoy them.
Replies: >>192649
Yeah, they’re my favorite, you sound exactly like me. I used to be ecstatic if I learned someone else knew about that band but now I feel worried that it might be gaining too much unnecessary attention and is being tainted by normal niggers. I might be responsible for some of it too, I would talk about music like that online in places I thought were low profile enough like Soulseek chatrooms where only real people would be present but I didn’t realize that being “real” was a pretty vague thing to go off of and I didn’t know the difference between a fluoride junkie with an internet connection and a person with actual sentience. I would talk about the underground emo bands I loved so much to my friends in person too, I regret that. I’m such a spaz that can’t contain myself and I’m probably just a failed normal nigger too.
Replies: >>192652
Music was meant to be shared and enjoyed together. You and I are not more or less special by listening to underground music, what makes it special is connecting with the people that also do.

Or at least that's what I think.
Replies: >>192672
There are clearly people who cannot appreciate music in a meaningful manner, especially when it comes to music such as this, and not because it’s underground but because it’s inherently good and consists of deliberate thought, care, and beauty. There’s a shit ton of shitty half assed normal nigger underground music.
The ASPERGER man is the epitome of male intelligence and tenacity.
Let's start by looking at his brain. His brain is large. His domineering intelligence makes his presence known without his research papers known without even needing citations. He is a genius, as a result of his high levels of prenatal testosterone and pyramidal neurons in his somatosensory cortex, CA1 region of the hippocampus and embryonic GABAergic neurons in the midbrain. This gives him the appearance of class and brains. He is then covered by his pale skin. This pales skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the cold darkness of his mother's basement, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The pale skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The ASPERGER man's demeanor is one of aloofness. He is asocial, shy, and can shoot up schools. His behaviour strikes fear into the mindless, passionless races of man (n**Rotypical dogs) The summit of expression of his intelligence is his IQ. The ASPERGER brain is largest of all the races. As the brain is the penultimate symbol of intelligence, this alone would suffice to make the ASPERGER man the most intelligent of men. This large brain is able fulfill the desire of the most rigorous real analysis courses, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the maxima of wave functions. Its size ensures that when it proves a conjecture, the potent ASPERGER intelligence will immediately enter the pure maths department at MIT and stun all the professors. In total, the ASPERGER man expresses this intelligence in a most exemplary manner in academia. When he proves previously unsolvable conjectures, he unleashes the entirety of his special interests and desires upon his professor without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ASPERGER man is the epitome of intelligence and tenacity
Replies: >>196988 >>197035
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Replies: >>196988 >>197035
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lol no
If anything autistic people are more susceptible to propaganda because whatever they're taught (either by their parents or fuckin insipid shit like yidsney movies) is the dogma they adhere to for life and screech like the most firey of zealot preachers whenever someone questions it.
Replies: >>197067
susceptibility of propaganda is usually determined by caring about social acceptance
spergs arent known for caring about being part of the group
Replies: >>197088 >>197120
>susceptibility of propaganda is usually determined by caring about social acceptance
And your parents were raised on propaganda like anyone else, which they imparted on you and whether you want to acknowledge it or not that shit sticks with you for life no matter how broken your brain is.
propaganda doesn't require social acceptance at all, only offering partial truths or outright lies as facts in a way a person wants to hear it
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>The Lazarus Plot
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So are pissing and shitting out the window
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