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Is corporal punishment a harmful and subhuman practice, or is it actually effective for raising well-behaved kids?
>>191331 (OP) 
depends on the place you live
like the culture of the west shouldn't be upheld, and thus it would be wrong to make children want to conform to it, but elsewhere beat those fucks until they learn
Replies: >>191340
I prefer the bruises they get to be on their knees and elbows.
>the culture of the west shouldn't be upheld
>he doesn't belt his kids until they adhere to the Indo-European tripartite ideology
Replies: >>191341
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more like until that is culture you and your family live in
Kids are usually pretty resilient, and getting spanked probably won't break them. But if you're white you shouldn't need to beat your kids. Naturally beatings are often the only way to make browns learn, and we should probably apply canings and floggings as criminal punishment.
You shouldn't need to. Violence should only be applied when necessary like if my kid took drugs, he got from some negro, I might beat sense into him.
The impression just isn't there when you punish someone regularily and it will have no effect.
Light physical punishment for children is like a string-on-an-elephant approach; it only works so long as they have the fear of punishment. In that sense, it's incredibly effective, in proper amounts and at proper times.
Abusive parents use it in improper amounts and at improper times. Lax parents smile while their children run around the supermarket screaming and vandalizing like a bunch of fucking nigger niglets.
There are moments in society where giving a stern talking to someone won't cut it; typically, the people in that situation either end up imprisoned, dead, maimed, or injured. It is better to teach them there are potential physical repercussions beyond grounding and single-mother-screeching tactics, when they are young and impressionable, than let them have the run of things and only chastise them verbally while they run amok where they eventually grow up and think they can break into someone's house without punishment and end up with two shells of double-ought buckshot in their chest.
>>191331 (OP) 
It's okay if you're the slave race.
>>191331 (OP) 
>Is corporal punishment a harmful and subhuman practice
Yes. Only niggers beat their kids, regardless of what their skin color might actually be, because they don't know how else to discipline their kids. "Well MY dad did it!" is a common excuse.
>or is it actually effective for raising well-behaved kids
No, absolutely not. That way you'll raise broken messes, worsening anything that might've been wrong with them in the first place.
You'll either end up with a weak piece of shit that can't stand on his own two feet in society due to thoroughly ingrained learned helplessness, or some overly defiant piece of shit who will end up in a graveyard or a prison cell.
Replies: >>191390
>implying that if you don't get spanked you get the oven instead of the coffin 
It's funny because anyone that says not to spank is generally persecuted on such a site. Though I get your point and do concur. What a gas tho!
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I think you're a bit sick for being turned on by seeing children being beaten. I think it's more interesting to see beaten children having their revenge.
Oh shit did he kill that lady?
Why would you post this, why would you know about this?
Replies: >>195615
it's my fetish ;)
Replies: >>195637
Depends on the child and what they did.
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I got no gratification out from this one, it makes me sad, hits too close to home.
Replies: >>195649
Subhumans should not procreate, they are a disgrace to nature and their personal lives should be exposed in order for them to no longer be perceived as innocent to liberal oriented people.
Replies: >>195700
also im trans btw
>hits too close to home
What, did you also kill your abusive relatives in your childhood?
Replies: >>195684
I wish I succeeded in doing so.
I agree. Thank d-g no one on zzzchan will ever reproduce.
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