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A homo asks his daddy to top him one last time before he dies. (1989)

His dad said "Son. No. You have the gay AIDS"
important reading
Replies: >>195463
Why did you post this? What are you trying to communicate? Do you understand that others might find your image to be saddening?
Replies: >>198796
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Interesting read, especially this tidbit.
Replies: >>195610
Damn they're fat.
>he was apparently an intelligent man except on this one point
Because he was doing it on purpose and probably knew full well how fucked up his behavior was. I wonder if people will ever realize that gays are basically malicious death cultists.
Replies: >>195665
I mean, people think of sex as a casual thing deserves whatever happens, and fags the do fag sex need to be taken out of the gene pool
Replies: >>195675 >>195707
>I mean, people who think of sex as a casual thing deserve whatever happens, and fags that do fag sex need to be taken out of the gene pool
FTFY. Please refrain from writing in broken English.
That doesn't magically make what he did any less fucked up. I agree casual sex isn't something people should do, but when most people find out they have a disease they refrain from intentionally spreading it to uninfected people. The ones who deliberately infect others are actual incurable psychopaths and should be drowned in septic tanks.
Good thread, op, to make it extra funny the parents are fatsos lmao.
I hope you are baiting, because otherwise you are a faggot homo. OP almost made me shit myself while laughing, this kind of humor is almost gone of the internet.
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