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What’s the dumbest conspiracy theory you’ve read? I’m not talking the basic bitch “earth flat”. I’m talking real inane shit. For me it was “lead is actually good for you”
>>189968 (OP) 
Birds are government drones
>>189968 (OP) 
<lead is actually good for you
it is doe
Replies: >>190025
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Something about jews...
...I forgot though.
Replies: >>190028
Israel was one of the First Nations to ban leaded gasoline
Replies: >>190284
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Replies: >>190033
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That's a pretty good beard for a reditor.
Replies: >>190035 >>194031
Damn I need a girlfriend like that
>>189968 (OP) 
That the BSNES guy killed himself. We literally have no evidence, and yet it still gets spread around. I'm pretty sure he's still alive.
Replies: >>190039 >>190054
Ok, he did have a suicide note, but we have no evidence he actually killed himself
Replies: >>190054
Some dumb shit about Satanism.
Americans attribute everything to Christianity and Anti-Christian devils (who are somehow not jews) somehow and spread that over the internet to mainland Europe.
And then I have to listen to it irl.
Replies: >>190041
That's more of a southern thing. Everyone up north is an edgy oh my science atheist
Replies: >>190042
And the eternal Anglo also has this Satanism shit. Forgot about those.
Replies: >>190043
I was never particularly religious, but we always had the cultists hang around outside our  school, and in my college
Replies: >>190044
What kinds of cultists? The only ones I remember showing up at my door are Jehovah's Witnesses.
Replies: >>190045 >>190046
Yeah those
Replies: >>190047
Which country are you from?
I don't think they would be allowed to hang around there here in Germany.
Replies: >>190047 >>190049
'Murica, so they're given free reign to annoy highschoolers and whatnot
Replies: >>190050
At least you won't be interrogated by the inquisition because you said a hurtful word to your neighbor after he blasted his stereo at night.
But it says on kikepedia that a friend and the cops and xheir boss confirmed it?
Replies: >>190057
Everyone in his faggot groomer circle has been very hush-hush about his "death", and have never provided a certificate or any evidence. It is believed he's in Japan, jerking of to cub porn for the rest of his life, assuming he hasn't ACKed himself in the suicide forest
Replies: >>190059
Cub porn? Is that some euphemism for the infamous pizza, or does it mean something else
Replies: >>190060 >>190066
it's furry loli
Replies: >>190066
What he said
Q has got be be pretty high on that list. Bunch of schizo boomers thinking a deep state agent was feeding them cryptic clues; and was somehow going to expose said deep state.
Replies: >>190076 >>190079
explain how trump is a "deep state agent"
Replies: >>190094
How does anyone believe that fanfiction shit? AND DEN JOHN F KENNEDY POPPED OUT
Are you retarded? Can you not read? Cut the tip of your dick all the way off and eat it mongoloid.
Then it must just be bad for them.
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That media lacking in tranny characters and propaganda made in a country lacking in trannies and tranny propaganda is magically turning people intro trannies.
Replies: >>190344 >>190349
Blame soycucks for spreading this one
You're called a tranny because you're an obnoxious annoying faggot and people who hate you like saying your cucktoons are tranny propaganda to get a rise out of you. No matter how many infographics you post you will keep being mocked as a dickchopper because the problem is ultimately with you and your faggot personality not whatever stupid media you consume.
Replies: >>190352
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Don't get so mad gramps, it's time to go to bed.
Replies: >>190396
I'm not the one who is going to eventually alienate everyone around him and realize in his 40s that no one is going to take care of him when he gets old because everyone wants him to suffer.
Replies: >>190428
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Project much?
>>189968 (OP) 
That psyop posters are not real and I am just "paranoid"
Replies: >>193961
>Brushing your teeth is a Jewish trick.
Replies: >>193825
>eat goyslop with absurd amounts of sugar
>waste thousands of hours of your life and thousands of dollars over your lifetime brushing your teeth
>if you don't brush after every meal you will still get cavities because of the excessive sugar
>go to jewish dentist
Observe how animals and primitive humans who don't eat excessive sugar never brush their teeth and somehow their teeth don't rot.
Replies: >>193827 >>193835
>animals and primitive humans who don't eat excessive sugar never brush their teeth and somehow their teeth don't rot
Replies: >>193835
I'm not an animal or primitive human THOUGH.
On top of that, toothbrushing is HOT. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ewXbP1aAz4I
"Sugar alternatives" literally give you cancer
Replies: >>193856
Everything gives you cancer these days
Replies: >>193857
And "sugar alternatives" give you more cancer than the average thing
That's because of overeating.
Eating X quantity of sugar is less bad than eating the same quantity of "sugar alternatives".
Diet coke is so much better than regular coke. It's about the only sugar alt that I like.
One time when I was a kid I spread a conspiracy theory about there being a theme park underneath New York's sewers called Demonworld.
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Says the one who necro bumped this dying thread after no posts in 3 weeks.
Replies: >>193972 >>193976
Artificial sweeteners make me feel like they're burning a hole in my digestive tract.
Fitting image because I was preventing the thread from being slidden.
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Replies: >>193977
I'm not american so it's not like I have a gorillion fast food chains around me. McDonald's is the only thing I have in my town, and I haven't ever seen any of the other ones other than Burger King.
Though there might be some non-franchise places where I can eat burgers, but those aren't fast food (good for health but bad for convenience) and they probably cost more.
Replies: >>194134
The bigger the beard the more of a slackjawed numale you are, generally. 
>>189968 (OP) 
But the Romans had lead pipes! There could be something to this! Perhaps it keeps the bad genes at bay, ever think of that?!
>and they probably cost more
Not lately, McDonalds has doubled in price so you're paying sit in restaurant prices for a shittier burger.
pizza with pineapple is actually fuckin good.
Replies: >>197310
You are a retarded kike faggot
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