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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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This is /b/'s new mascot.
Say hi to him.
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Hauu~~ Kaaii~ Omochi kaeri~!
Replies: >>194554
>>189238 (OP) 
Fuck you
Replies: >>189246
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You made him cry.
Are you happy now, you monster?
Replies: >>189252
Why is he so small?
Replies: >>189251
He's small but he can expand like an orbee.
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>>189238 (OP) 
who are you and what have you done to my cat
Replies: >>189293
make his background transparent
Replies: >>189499
>>189238 (OP) 
What's its name?
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Caption-over-cat meme posters require execution.
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That is really adorable, why couldn’t she have held him in her hands instead of grabbing him by the scruff?
Replies: >>189336
He's being scruffed due to being such a keyboard warrior. He typed out "etc ur fucken ded kiddo etc" one too many times.
Replies: >>189343
What the fuck are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense that's a stuffed animal, how could it even use a computer?
Suck my fat cock, OP.
why is this retarded reddit shit stickied
Replies: >>189364 >>189448
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Hey little buddy you look like a party guy! Let's go clubbing!
go back to blacked.government if you dont like it
Replies: >>189366
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not touching your pedo honeypot, no matter how many times you bring it up to shill it
Haha he looks fat
You actually got it unstickied madman
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Here. Give him a blanket, he's cold.
Or put him somewhere comfy.
Replies: >>189574 >>190017
Re pin this
Replies: >>189569
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Replies: >>189575
unpin it
Why would anyone do this? Why the fuck are people even there to do that?
Replies: >>189573 >>189713
Never underestimate human cruelty
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Is this comfy?
Replies: >>189587
Nice mamono
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>psyop lolsoquirky indiepshit with tranny MC and LGBT propaganda and Tumblr "humor" and furfag/monsterfag shit
Replies: >>189598
all right but the seal is the sun, he will explode and bring that world to an end one day
Replies: >>189599
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Heat death of the universe can never come soon enough in one that houses Undertale characters.
Replies: >>189617
I’m still mad faggottale stole the popularity of Earthbound, and also opened the floodgates for many a hundred other overrated Earthbound-likes
Replies: >>189644
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Mother 1 is the best.
Huge open world, good difficulty, non-linearity, actual soul, good atmosphere.
Mother 2 (Earthbound) is easier, more streamlined, and has forced soul.
Mother 3 is super-linear and the story insists upon itself. Also has trannies.
>Also has trannies.
They are okama and it's portrayed as a caricature, which is quite common in comedy manga.
Only schizos and niggers like Mother 1.
>Forced soul
Agree to disagree. Underfail's the one with the forced soul and the whole "uR eViL bEcAuSe sElF dEfEnSe BaD!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!"
Also, the Magypsies are neither male or female, they're not even human for that matter.
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These are pleb-tier memax gaymes. Everyone talks aboutt them so much on imageboreds that there's no reason left to play them. I mean where's the fun in playing something where everything has already been exposed and clinically dissected by an army of neckbeard autists. Yeah count me out! If it's not completely obscure, I'm not touching it.
Meat and pelt = Money
Hunting = Fun
Replies: >>189729
There’s much easier ways to make money.
This is how you go to hell.
Replies: >>189740
Deranged and disgusting horror story to traumatize kids into worshiping kikes.
Replies: >>189776 >>189795
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>>189238 (OP) 
put that fucking seal down
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After years of HIIT from an ancient secret clan of native Icelandic warriors, this is what OP's seal looks like today. Feel old yet?
WTF is wrong with you?
Replies: >>189807
I agree with this, but still fuck killing docile animals.
Replies: >>189807
With that said I don't actually support hunting cute animals for no reason, I just think that that "hell" part was unnecessary.
What the hell, anon?!
Thank you for the clarification.
This is on the same level as trannies getting mad for misgendered them
Replies: >>190026
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Replies: >>190064 >>190080
ok christcuck
NOT saved because I'm a dumb fun-hating nigger
Hey guys press ctrl-F5!
Replies: >>190082
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look at him go haha
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>>189238 (OP) 
Your incompetent programming messed up darkmode, fix it immediately!
Shut up schizo
He is your guiding light 
I checked every theme and it works on my machine
we need fanart of zzz-tan and her new pet
>no option to click on the seal to club it
not trying hard enough
I'll be honest while I think the seal in the corner is cute, I am autistic and that little change makes me feel like I'm on a completely different website and it's making me feel unsafe and uncomfortable.
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The ghost on his head and badly cropped whisker trigger my autism.
Change it to this one, pleas.
Replies: >>190256
thank u
it is done
Now delete this thread so only the true oldfags know why /b/'s mascot is a seal.
Replies: >>190286
This thread https://archive.ph/a1AQj ?
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Same issue, it's very annoying and burning my retinas. NO, I'm not saving your fucking cookies to pick another theme. Fix this stupid shit now stupid fucking nigger.
>NO, I'm not saving your fucking cookies
I used to think like that too but being able to hide posts/threads and pictures is a necessity here.
>'fix' the site to accommodate my extremely specific needs born out of my /tech/ autism and needless paranoia
how about you swallow a bag of dicks
Replies: >>190345 >>190655
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>site has no issue and no one complains
>break functionality and force people to use cookies to add epic picture of seal that literally adds nothing of value
>go back to how it was
>no because using a very common addon and not keeping cookies is autism and extremely specific totally not what most do eat dicks
Replies: >>190347 >>190655
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>>break functionality and force people to use cookies to add epic picture of seal that literally adds nothing of value
Replies: >>190348
>form over function
post tits
Replies: >>190351
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ask your mother
Replies: >>190354 >>190368
I'll ask your mother, bitch ass
Here's the css for him stolen directly from /japan/, I don't know what exactly you're using for dark mode so if you can inspect element and tweak it so he works I'll make the change.

body {
	background:url(/asset/b/922b4c9c7a15040692d16a2eba7f82c468eb9f18e6dec6b3a7dbc03ef6664e65.png) bottom right fixed no-repeat, linear-gradient(var(--background-top) 3em,var(--background-rest) 230px);
 	background-size: 25vmin;

Otherwise you can try blocking him with an adblocker.
I really like the character designs of that animu but got bored after 2 episodes
Replies: >>195042
I like him.  But is he really just called seal?
Replies: >>190433
Give him a name.
It better be a good one.
Replies: >>190434 >>190638
nta but sealy mcsealson
Why is this the new mascot for /b/?
Replies: >>190633
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Because you'll never be apart of the club
Replies: >>190636
What club?
Replies: >>190641
/b/'s seal of approval
Replies: >>190640
That works to me.
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I've seen quite a few people complain about it the last few days. It's not one or two.
Here, put this in ubo:
zzzchan.xyz##body:style(background:none !important)
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Fuck him.
Replies: >>194762 >>195005
>t. murderous spic with cute aggression
Replies: >>195001 >>195005
You’re not better than I am.
Replies: >>195002 >>195005
Holy shit that’s terrible grammar! My bad.
Replies: >>195005
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This reply chain reads like something that would come out of Shenmue.
Replies: >>195006
fucking kek
Replies: >>195167
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(Can't post this on /meta/ because captcha doesn't load.)
Hello, problems on the tor address:
1. The images don't load.
2. Boards don't load without adding /index.html ??
3. Tor banned on clearnet, why?

Feel free to delete this offtopic post after the admin sees it, thanks.
Replies: >>195030
I'll sit down and look at the issues with the onion this weekend
Replies: >>195043
Is this an epic funny?
You don't need to look at the onion to tell its rotten
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>fucking kek
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