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Is it good and White-like to have a good hygiene, like showering multiple times a week, shaving, etc. or is it just effeminate?
Dirt and sweat gets very annoying, takes concentration away from tasks.
>>187454 (OP) 
How about you try being not such a gigantic retard? Faggot?
>>187454 (OP) 
It is good to have good hygiene. But what constitutes good hygiene? Is it really a good for people to shower multiple times a week?
Shaving is effeminate
Obviously you should shower or bathe more than once a week.

Shaving is gay. I just cut my mustache with scissors, so I don't chew on it.
The alternative would be to wax it every day but I'm too lazy for that.
Showering and shampooing everyday will get rid of the natural oils that lubricate and protect your skin, and damage your hair respectively. You should shower 1-3 times a week.
I shower every night, later stinkers.
I shower after I take a shit.
Replies: >>190573 >>195148
I take a shit when I shower.
Replies: >>195148
It depends on how active you are, what you eat, and what you do. If you're just some NEET that watches cartoons all the time but manages to eat decent food, then you could shower like twice a week and be fine.
However if you have the same diet but have a dirty job then showering before bed is a must unless you want to wind up with skin problems.
If you eat like shit you will smell like shit no matter what.
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How did people even survive for thousands of years without the shower jew. Modern people don't understand this becuase they live in a nigger cattle simulator where their genesis story started with WW2 and the nazis giving free showers for all.
Replies: >>190612 >>190614
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>>187454 (OP) 
It's perfectly Islamic aside from the shaving.
Before showers people still bathed when they could, just because it wasn't as convenient back then doesn't mean they enjoyed being filthy turds.
>the shower jew
>>187454 (OP) 
but everyone likes it cheep

also you must give up all those worldly feelings, like cursing intensely and such or complaining

generally you suck
Replies: >>194914
draw me a space marine
Hello my fellow waffle stompers!
Are meds white in your opinion, OP? Because meds love to be clean, while almost all the nords and germans I know are really dirty and smelly, and they cope about it saying that taking bath fuck with your skin. 
Pajeets and niggers are other dirty subhumans. Gooks too.
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