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How will you anons try avoiding the draft?
Its going to happen.
Claim autism
>drafting a 40+ year old

Yeah right.  I already did my time and retired early.
Replies: >>185040
I'll join as a volunteer before the draft, and try to have a comfy job in the rear.
>>185021 (OP) 
With how low the standard of living is due to the dollar value falling so much since 1968, that and the prison system locking us all up, I doubt there will be a draft. People would rebel because the only reason we don't is because we are not acctively under attack by the US government just passively, if that makes sense. They'd like to riot now but don't have an excuse to rise up as a collective. Collectively pissing everyone off at once would cause the whole society to fall, and if not, then people are so dumb I'll just literally walk away while ignoring everyone's bitching just like the hippies often did in the woods. They won't send off everybody and lock up the rest leaving nothing but the fragile behind in the nation, 'free'. Get real. But yeah, no one is patriotic like they were because the nation wasn't nice to them like it used to be when we had not just more money but more rights. Worst case scenario tons go to prison and are proud of it. Niggers already are. What's the difference?
Replies: >>185033 >>185040
Same. I'm already diagnosed as well.
Depending on how utterly bad things get though they might get so desperate they'll look passed it. xD.
Does brandon mean the jews?
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>People would rebel
I love how delusional burgers continue to be.
Replies: >>185087
>drafting a 40+ year old
If you can walk you can go to a trench
And if you can't you'll get to sit in the trench instead
>People would rebel
Judging by the amount of (not) dead Ukrainian goons and having experienced "all bark, no bite" far too many times: doubtful
They might be covering up successful rebellion attempts though. Who knows.
>>185021 (OP) 
Plan A is continuing to be a NEET and use official "autism" documents to buy time. Plan B is to become a hobo and dig a hole in the woods.
Replies: >>185045 >>185087
>>185021 (OP) 
I shan't be avoiding the draft, I'll just do my time and try to use it to get whatever benefits the government wants to throw my way by the end of it, while also doing my best to miss every shot.
You don't understand. I already did my time and in reserves.  Calling me up would be one of the last priority drafts and that is official.  I read it once.
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>a draft has been called
Good Americans die in a trench nobody likes you.
Replies: >>185066
Thinking about coal burners trying to do a white feather campaign just to get thier shit pushed in when they try to pin the feathers brings me joy
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I don't have time for your stupid shit, goodbye. Don't ever come back or I'll blast ya.
I don't just mean a draft in the US, I mean a draft everywhere in the west.
For what? The war to make ppl accept the woke religion?
Replies: >>185074 >>185092
War with the 'axis powers of ebil' russia, china, and iran.
Replies: >>185075
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>russia, china, and iran
Replies: >>185078
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Well yes him and the rest of brics.
Nato or brics? Who will win?
Highest incarceration rates of the entire planet. Reminder.
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> fighting for ukraine 
>Orban calling to fight russia
Most governments in the EU, despite being acolytes to the USA, aren't tyranical dystopian shitholes like the UK, France and Germany, from which most of the bodies would come from due to the higher population count.
Enforcing the draft in Spain or Italy would be downright impossible, people would rather go join the mob and the military would rather shoot their own.

If a draft would happen in the UK, it woulf happen, Bongistan is an absolute dystopian shithole, but you would see massive protests and riots in France and Germany if it were ever to happen with the life conditions people have nowadays.
*it would happen fairly quietly
I'm in bongistan, they're starting to talk about conscription here. I'll just play the autism card, I'm already diagnosed. Worst comes to worst I'll try to escape to another country, go to jail, or just die.
Replies: >>185100
You should be trying to escape that shithole before the fucking draft.
Replies: >>185106
I'm an almost 27 year old neet with no skills. Its probably over, but where would I even go if I sorted myself out? Maybe Hungary? but hungarian is an incredibly hard language to learn. Maybe Serbia? Poland is unfortunately subverted now. Certain red states in america with a high white population seem some what better than the UK, like wyoming. If I leave for a non anglo country though I'm going to be seen almost as bad as the rapefugees.
Replies: >>185123
Why is it that people aren't sick of war already? Honestly I always imagine 'Nam era draft dodging nowadays to be acceptable and encouraged. Yet for some reason, Americans are always so eager to die in a foreign land for practically no reason at all.
>I'm an almost 27 year old neet with no skills.
The time to fix that is right now, exercise and learn a trade.
Replies: >>185126
Fucking boomer retards didn't try to preserve or create meaningful, proactive, loving communities, they just let them die or just didn't try to create new ones like the idiot, troglodytes they are. If I felt like I belonged to some kind of community, I'd be more motivated to give my blood, sweat, and tears to something.
Replies: >>185127 >>185132
*to them or something.
I understand how you feel, I'm not particularly attached to my community either, but you shouldn't let that stop you from improving yourself.
>boomer retards didn't try to ... create ... proactive ... communities
>If I felt like I belonged to some kind of community, I'd be more motivated to give my blood, sweat, and tears to them or something.
This kind of thinking is self-defeating, a good community currently does not exist so you'll never be motivated to build one. If it seems difficult to devote yourself to "strangers" perhaps you could start smaller, with a family of your own. You could give your all for a wife and children, right?
Replies: >>185262
If my country wasn't a zogged shithole I would've just joined the army.
You can't have war and shit without cultural differences and the US is backwards culturally while at the same time trying to 'westernize' other nations. It's way of stopping such drama is to have one race and one religion and one united planet, a new world order they've planned for ages. Peace means leaving people alone to do as they please. Mcdonalds in Germany sells beer to 16 year olds, in the US we card everyone and get months in prison if they're not 21. Now ask yourself who else has that at 21, the age to be allowed to drink, then you'll start to realize how backwards we are. You get carded for buying glue, a lighter, for buying cigs you must be 21 now and to have a gun sometimes they make it 21 rather than 18, to buy cold medicine you have to be 18 or higher often, etc. We have loitering laws so as to make being homeless illegal, we raise the rent, thus we are slaves and want others to be slaves. New Rome indeed, half the planet were wage workers of Rome.
>an almost 27 year old neet
>There's likely a reason why he's that old and has no skills.
It is extremely easy to wake up, entertain oneself for hours, eat, and go back to sleep every day when someone else is paying the bills, days eventually turning into years. I don't mean to presume particulars of one's life, but the eternal recess has to end.
>While it probably is no fault of his own, it likely means that he hasn't got what it takes to learn a trade,
That's simply not true, it's just too easy to become enamored by and dependant on the NEET lifestyle to want to break away from it. It is learned helplessness, not your actual capabitilies, that is holding you back.
>The chicken and egg problem is an unsolvable problem.
Thinking of it as one is where the problem lies, if anon wants a proactive community he should be proactive himself.
>That's a gigantic fucking leap for someone to make, and absolutely not a starting point of any kind. A family is an end goal.
I'm not saying to just like make family, but that if he can't motivate himself to work hard for his community at this time, then a more realistic goal would be work hard aiming to start and support a family.
Replies: >>185262
based. i even have a warfare-related special interest but i'd rather suffer great hardship than ever fight for liberalism
They got tricked into it via constant brainwashing and usually a false flag or manufactured event of some kind (like Pearl Harbor, or 9/11). But the america from those days was radically different than today all across the board. John Wayne and Rambo movies aren't gonna cut it anymore, the best they can hope for some trannies and illegal immigrants. So just as Rome, this empire will fall due to its internal corruption.
>Why is it that people aren't sick of war already
They are, you don't have a recruitment crisis if everyone is amped up to go kill someone else.
Not anymore, even in the 60s there was more love for the country than there is now.
>then you dont know just how inept people are
this nigger thinks trade school is some advanced academy for super smart people. as if most arent filled with trailer trash and zoomies fucked up on xanax and benzos who want a basic job to live off so they can continue to do their stupid shit in their offtime. even if you want to self learn this shit you have the whole internet at your fingertips. this is an issue of effort and discipline not competence.
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I know you've already discussed this amongst yourselves but I think the problem of the "uncaring mass" hasn't been adequately discussed. I say "uncaring mass" because this is precisely the term which is appropriate when defining "the masses" with respect to any particular man who (it is said) makes it up. Now, this mass is motivated to action by forces which have been called telluric by some but I will say that the mass is motivated by memes, some of them wild, some of them not. This mass does not inherently value any of its parts, the memes which infest its collective consciousness allow for nothing higher than economic good and the economy cares nothing for individual failures (as they were either not economically viable from the outset, or their laziness - that is to say their economic sinfulness - made them so). To be a "good person" in this way is to be a good organ (or maybe just a tissue or a cell) in the beast of the economy.
To support such a mass with ones activity necessarily requires a level of ignorance, reckless indifference or true madness. It would be good to take a knife to the collective consciousness and carve out a spot for oneself and one's kind, but how would one do so? Without the ability to shape culture and keep it from the all-consuming madness of the mass, the globalizing, monopolizing, economic consciousness, there can be no hope of building anything that will last. So then a man could build himself a homestead and hope to simply ignore the wolf at his door, but he will die in obscurity with his works lasting no longer than he does. Such a disconnected man should not hope to find a wife with which to start a family, for wifes are nearly extinct (if not already gone), women are thoroughly poisoned and girls are given over to this economic globalism and far out of reach of a low-economic-value man. So then his path to cultural creation cannot be made through his genes, perhaps his memes? Yes, perhaps he could make friends, but how could a man make friends who does not participate in the economy? In a world where the disconnected are hermits this is impossible. Yet they can be nothing but hermits, for all facets of socialization have been combined with economy.
I saw that there was talk of staying connected and trying to do good that way. That is the most mad thing of all. The modern world is a screaming signal, a repeating pulse at extremely high frequencies. Everything in this economic world is constantly regurgitating its memes down the throats of its unwitting, unknowing or uncaring actors. A man, or a group of men, cannot possibly hope to turn the beast from it's path unless they somehow came into the power to shut down the signal, but that would require extreme power, power that no man even wields now. I'd be surprised if any existing, shadowy cabal had that power. If you think that such a drastic action isn't necessary, well, I'd put forward that Homo Economicus is fundamentally incompatible with Man, that the former is a misanthropic animate corpse which may take kindly to your kindness, but will only reciprocate in so far as it is economically viable. There is no accounting for dignity, honor or any other meme which is necessary to build a society worth living in (or really, any society properly defined) for all those memes will always be lensed by what is or is not economically viable. That is the nature of Homo Economicus, the guts of the beast of global economy.
It is no simple thing to build (or rebuild) a culture. It, like all things, seems to require power: Power that users do most assuredly not have. A culture requires a cult and a cult requires cultists, but assembling cultists seems to be something serendipitous, or maybe just something only some people can do. There is no other way. The proliferation of your philosophy is irrelevant, all the western world has access to all the great philosophers and the collective consciousness has not been improved one bit for it.
All a man can really do is his best to live with dignity, a dignity Homo Economicus does not possess in the slightest.
>I never said nor implied anything of the sort.
Doesn't matter, he's one of those people that takes it as a personal insult if you suggest anything besides college for some fucking reason. Don't wanna do a trade? Cool fine it's not for everyone, same can be said about college so why react likenthat about it?
claim a low iq is the best bet
Replies: >>185440 >>185779
>low iq makes you unfit to serve
Have you ever heard of the marine corps?
Replies: >>185442 >>185464
And it's quite a challenge to act like a retard convincingly enough if that doesn't come naturally to you.
Replies: >>185779
Pretty sure if your iq is lower than 85, you cannot be in the army. Marine corps or no
Replies: >>196427
>>185021 (OP) 
I'll be so retarded if there was a draft I wouldn't even be suitable for toilet duty. I've mastered this technique down and apparently it works really well.
It doesn't come natural to me but it's how people perceived me because I have a weird habit of not acting like the norm so I play it off sometimes like I couldn't cook Spaghetti to get an advantage.
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>>185021 (OP) 
They can't make me and if they try I will make my final stand and see Valhalla, I have no play for if I win though, I should think about it
Replies: >>196569
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Going to the draft is going to make you F.A.T.
Replies: >>191795 >>196430
That picture made me sad, I don’t like thinking of food as a bad thing. It’s food, it’s nourishment, eating should not be portrayed as an ugly thing. We all eat food.
Replies: >>191885 >>191918
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i will leave my country. Fuck soyciety.
Also what this guy said but i actually have autism
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Don't worry that much anon, what happens there is likely a combination of non-combat personnel, reservists and national guard just stuffing their face in the mess hall. And the after 35 stat is likely retired grunts eating as if they still walked like they did on service.
Food is good, excess is not.
>>185021 (OP) 
I live in a small irrelevant country (it didn't even fight in WW2).
But even if they were drafting, I would just break my own leg or something.
Good luck trying to convincingly fake an IQ that low.
Replies: >>196429
At some point, they won't care about IQ.
Replies: >>196431
>the post I made about the retarded way the military measures BMI is gone
So what exactly is the standard for posting here so that my fucking posts don't get deleted anymore? I've been posting on this site since it was created and haven't been having this problem until the past couple months and it feels like I'm on a completely different site now with how fucking easy it is to piss off the autistic neurotic dumbass that lords over the board.
That's retarded and the world of shit that would result from that isn't going to benefit anyone, including the rulers because hiw the fuck do you subjugate a populace if your enforcers are retarded to the point of being unable to reliably operate a gun much less tanks or more complicated tech.
Replies: >>196434
>That's retarded
And McNamara was even dumber than the idiots he drafted. He only looked at numbers, thus also giving birth to the McNamara fallacy.
>hiw the fuck do you subjugate a populace
They were assigned handlers most of the time; a higher ranked soldier would ask a lower ranked one if he had a college degree, the lower ranked guy would say "yes" and then he'd have one of McNamaras Morons thrust in his hand to take care of.
>retarded to the point of being unable to reliably operate a gun much less tanks or more complicated tech.
Some of them were reported to be unable to tie their shoes, and/or completely illiterate.
Replies: >>196437
Having a handler doesn't suddenly make a retard worth using for anything though. The special ed kids in public school always find ways to break free and go on tard rampages, giving someone like that a gun and telling them to do even basic shit is a tremendous gamble.
I don't think it's realistic in France. You'll just get protests like this x100 until the government backs off.
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If you've entered Valhalla, you've already won. If you're going to do a final stand, you should acquire proper training beforehand. If I was drafted, I would not protest it, I would follow orders until I made it through training. Once when I feel comfortable enough with them, I'll execute all of them
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