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I have a friend who sometimes mentions a supposed next "Carrington Event" that will occur in the late 2030's and fry all the electronics in the world, but I've never seen anyone else mention anything like that before, and the only proof he has are some boring jewtube videos by one channel.
So, is that likely to be true, or is it just a schizo meme?
Replies: >>184040 >>196382
It's possible just like an asteroid hitting the planet and ruining it or Yellowstone exploding and killing all of North America, but typically gigantic catastrophes like that are impossible to put a date on and the ones who do are typically trying to grift you out of money or simply worry you because they're homos that get off on mental suffering.
>>184000 (OP) 
All bullshit to keep you in perpetual fear and make you feel helpless. Earth is flat and outer space is made up.
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Cool! It will destroy all the CIA niggers botnet.
Replies: >>187439
But then it will destroy my computer full of loli art and doujins.
I guess I will have to print it all so it survives the Carrington Event, but it's quite a lot, I may need an entire room to store it all.
Replies: >>187448
that is 1000s of moneies of ink, man
print it out at work
solar flares are pretty unlikely but if you're really worried a simple faraday cage can prevent any significant damage from the emf. chuck some hard drives, a laptop, cellphone and a charger into an old microwave and you're good.
Replies: >>187498
Ok smart ass, then how will you charge any of those things?
Replies: >>187499 >>190615
Replies: >>190558
Replies: >>190562 >>190622
Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick'em in a stew
Electricity and solar power won't magically stop existing. There's other ways to generate electricity too.
Solar activity fluctuates in approximately decade long activity waves.
The last peak was 2014, the current one is happening right about now.
If anything, 2030 will be an easy year.
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>>184000 (OP) 
Translation of picture:
>It's a hard disc error
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