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Girlfriend fever hit me hard these last few days bros!

Serves me right for being a virgin incel past the age of 30. In prehistoric times it used to be an achievement living this long, I'd be the village guru or something lol. Survivalist guide? Sabertooth tamer? Wooly mammoth hunter! Yet look at me now, I am the cockroach of soyciety! Hiding in the darkness. Afraid to die but living no life at all.

Oh sweet girlfriend fever! Women will never understand what it feels like to be a man craving to eat a woman's face by way of excessive kissing! It balances out though. Them poor creatures suffer in many mysterious ways that I as a man never will. Should I even call myself a man though? Surely I'm less of a man never having been loved by a woman.

You all guys who take your girlfriends for granted I'm so superjelly of you right now!  *scuttles away*
>Serves me right for being a virgin incel past the age of 30. In prehistoric times it used to be an achievement living this long, I'd be the village guru or something lol. Survivalist guide? Sabertooth tamer? Wooly mammoth hunter!
Most people who made it to adulthood lived past 60, infant and child mortality skewed the average lifespan heavily.
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reminder that there is no such thing as an incel and that a female invented/coined the word

Replies: >>184346 >>184371
Reminder that you are awesome
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>>183303 (OP) 
Is cuckchan down again?
You know what's funny? But not literally funny; more like tragic. How there's women out there with a body count of hundreds, yet they're still miserable, meanwhile there's men like me who are virgin -- and equally miserable. I reason that for a man, the greatest humiliation is virginity itself. For a woman, the greatest humiliation is not virginity but rather the failure to find a good man and start a family. Single, childless old women who are reading this post (if any): rest assured that the male side is also suffering plenty, you're not alone in your suffering! Not that it's any consolation to you, I know. That said, as a man I do envy the women who slept with hundreds of guys and remained miserable; I wish I too could have slept with hundreds of women and be "miserable" today lol. Sure looks like western society is going to shit, don't it? You can thank feminism for that. I don't blame women but I do blame feminism. What does feminism teach? In a nutshell: to hate instead of to love. It's going to get worse from here, cockroaches like me are going to multiply out of control, like in Japan. And the next evolution of cockroaches is going to be worse than mine: I still have cravings, desires and want to love and be loved by a woman... the newer breeds won't. It's going to be fucking horrible. Men will be completely out of touch and women will pretend their pets are their babies. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and everything will be fine. :)   *scuttles away*
Femcels, on the other hand...
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Why do retards act like a gynocentric wageslave tradcuck lifestyle is somehow going to solve all your problems? you gotta be a very special kind of retard to believe this sort of lifestyle won't make you even more miserable than you already are, enslaving yourself just so some cunt and some scrawny kids can do nothing all day.
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>virgin incel past the age of 30
>still feeling pangs of tfw no gf

Cherish it while it lasts. Life will fuck you hard and you won't be able to feel anymore. Having sex with 1-3 women and seeing how overrated it is would help a lot of guys out. Virginity is a precious thing, don't despair over roasties and this sick dying world and its sick diseased clown world madness
>>183303 (OP) 
kind of felt like this once. Then some whore that had a niglet smiled at me, then it clicked in my head that if had a normal cuck life i would be helping the system that let that whore think she is not disgusting, then i started to think of ways to help this system die
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Men and women need to save each other. I was hoping shoe0nhead or Alteori would read this thread. They'd have understood. More women need to be like them that's for sure. As for your replies I'm not ignoring them but what can I possibly say to convince you that the blackpill is the wrong choice? Nothing really. So I'll see you in the wasteland, brave anons.  *scuttles away forever*
That's crazy. As for me, they sold a fat pack of pork ribs for 9 dollars at my local supermarket. Put those babies in the slow cooker with five or six chopped onions. I'm pretty excited.
Replies: >>185483 >>185484
Hell yeah, brother.
Replies: >>185665
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I'm more mad about the house prices than I am about hoes tbh
You're living the dream, brother.
Be careful with the onions though and add some BBQ sauce.
Replies: >>185665
My first love was amazing. I didn't think it was possible for someone to love me so much. I didn't even love me that much. My opinion of myself is very low. She ended up cheating on me and I wanted to die, but I still miss the idea of the person I thought she was.
The 2nd woman was like me. Burned in the past. Bitter, self-deprecating and hateful. We were like a breathe of fresh air to each other. A statement: Its ok to be upset. I really enjoyed all the horrible shit she would whisper to me about other people in public, trying to hold in laughter while she'd say
>I bet she fucks that dog
at the park. Unfortunately I ruined that one because I considered her dysgenic and there were tensions in my family about her substance habits. I have this dream of a normal life, with normal children. I think physical attractiveness is the primary guarantor of your enjoyment in life, so that's my primary criterion for selecting a mate. A pretty face is the greatest gift I can give to my child. Who cares if dad is happy dad wants to kill himself.
Replies: >>185618 >>186172
To continue, if I could have a gorgeous daughter and raise her into a self-serving psychopath, sycophant, misanthrope, it would be my greatest achievement. The type of person that really succeeds in this world. The one that thrives. When she feels ready I hope she'd put me down. Maybe with a bullet to the back of my head while I kneel above my grave, or a length of wire wrapped around my neck, staring into my eyes as I let it happen. My remains must be destroyed with extreme prejudice. Incineration seems fine, but I think I'd want to be picked apart by animals just for the meme.
Are you guys morons or somethin?

I'll remind you in case you forgot what the biblical instruction is for a woman in terms of character: You worship Man in the same way Man worships God. You are biblically instructed to do this. Not just because it's a patriarchal book or anything close to it but because other methods have been seen and witnessed and this one is the best for (You)s. However counterintuitive it might appear, that servitude preserves your happiness more.

Women have forgotten it. Men in this thread have forgotten it. Maybe my expectations are unrealistic, maybe what I want is a pet instead of a spouse, but I know the way things are supposed to be and we've drifted extremely far away from there. I don't want a wife that has a boyfriend. I'm sick of seeing husbands taking the deal. That man is a GOD compared to you. Look how forgotten the roots of our society have become.

I'm feeling more and more like passport bro or bust at this point. I don't want to have to game >1,000 local chads to be "awarded" a slept around less submissive wife.
It was okay.
>Unfortunately I ruined that one because I considered her dysgenic and there were tensions in my family about her substance habits.
Dude, tell her you fucked up and want her back. Someone who gets you is a thousand times more valuable than a pretty face that will slowly fade away with age, as much as we would all like to have one.
Replies: >>191957
>>183303 (OP) 
There wasn't actually anything special about growing old in the past.
They had more kids and more child deaths which reduce the average life expectancy. If you got to adulthood it was often smooth sailing especially as a guy.
Woman often died during childbirth also reducing life expectancy.
>>183303 (OP) 
>eat a woman's face by way of excessive kissing
cute aggression
Replies: >>191696
There’s no such thing as “cute aggression”. There’s passive-aggressive, but not the bullshit you’re spreading. Please go outside and take a breath of fresh air.
Replies: >>191698 >>191701
I think your aggression is very cute and valid anon
Replies: >>191699
I’m being assertive, that’s a different thing. You mask your passive aggression by accusing others of being “cute aggressive”
Passive-aggressive is a completely different thing, it's about a type of speech.
Cute aggression is a type of behavior when you see a cute thing (like seeing a cat and wanting to strangle it, or seeing an anime picture and replying "tranyme")
Replies: >>191708 >>191709
That's called bait
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Cats r cuter than animu
Replies: >>191710 >>191721
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What about cat girls?
Replies: >>191711
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I'd drink pilk with this stupid cat.
WELL, they may or may not be cuter in a very platonic way, but as soon as you start thinking about romance and sex, you're going to prefer an animu if you're well-adjusted
Replies: >>191723 >>191739
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sigh* I just wish we could get robot maid companions. Looking at pretty animu grls just reminds me of how ronery I am.
That's why I prefer looking at cat videos.
Replies: >>191825
You can't breed a drawing.
You can't have a family with a drawing.
You can't cuddle a drawing.
This is the same logic trannies apply. No, it's not a replacement for company.
Replies: >>191794 >>191805
A drawing won't leave you for a negro.
A drawing won't accuse you of rape.
A drawing won't come crying asking you to take care of its mutt babies.
Replies: >>191807 >>191994
>You can't breed a drawing.
Yet. And you act like people who prefer drawings over people should be breeding in the first place.
Artificial wombs and such.
>You can't have a family with a drawing.
>You can't cuddle a drawing.
Yet, assuming that you don't include dakimakura and things of that nature.
>This is the same logic trannies apply.
I don't see anyone demanding to be called ma'am and chopping their dicks off. Why are you bringing up trannies?
>No, it's not a replacement for company.
Just because you say it isn't, doesn't mean that it isn't.
A drawing won't make your closeted nigger worshipping cuck fetish go away either.
Replies: >>191813 >>191816
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Yeah, i wanted to kill that whore with the niglet that smiled at me when i was waiting for her to move becuz i really wanted to make sure her and her niglet were taken care of and had the best life possible due me loving niggers
Hate can just be hate, libcuck
Replies: >>191827
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Take just one hour of your time on the computer and dedicate it to improving yourself instead. Electronics, while useful tools, can be a distraction that steal your time.
Replies: >>191832
I never had a girlfriend that would cheat on me but having a girlfriend takes too much of my time, especially after the puppy love phase, you can't even take a shit in private, cliny women suck and sometimes you just want to just be alone.
Replies: >>191831
Would mind a gf that wanted to be with me all the time, but they cant have a niglet or have ever wanted to fuck a male nigger
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I'm not that desperate. It used to be worse but now I barely feel lonely unless I happen to see a very cute girl for too long. Which is why I avoid those types of shows.
Nowadays I focus more on acquiring wealth and furthering my skill set.
Replies: >>191835
Why do you have to be desperate?
Replies: >>191838
Because finding true and loyal companionship is a pain in the ass.
If I can then I'd rather place my efforts elsewhere.
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I actually did! She has another man already. She said he's not as fun as me, but he's also never made her cry and she values that more. I was a rollercoaster to her.
lol cuck
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The last thing I need is an grill to make lots of noise. There's already too much of that around here. Fucken industrial society and its consequences.
That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that man. Take it as an opportunity to grow for next time.
Replies: >>192019
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>thread about having a girlfriend and romancing women
>immediately equates white girls to niggers and derails the thread with how all women must lust niggers
Replies: >>192027
I'm going to keep on doing the same thing until I find someone that submits to my whims and enables my behavior.
He started attacking 2D, so I retaliated.
Replies: >>192034
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And you've got brain damage.
Predictive programming is a blight upon this planet.
Replies: >>192036
You've got gay HIV.
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>>183303 (OP) 
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