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>dude there was nothing and then an explosion somehow happened and it created the cosmos
>and then on a giant rock water somehow started forming and living beings started forming in the water
>and due to random genetic mutations those beings became fish and then the fish grew legs and left the water and then they turned into dinosaurs and then they turned into birds
>and all the dinosaurs mysteriously died bro and then monkeys started walking on two legs and became cavemen who all mysteriously died too and became people for real
>and we can think and feel because of a lump of electric meat formed by said random mutations duderino
>(tell all of the above with bizarrely specific dates and details)
Why are gaytheists so delusional, and why does society view them as any more rational than religiousfags? Even religion (especially non-abrahamic) is better because at least its stories are mildly entertaining. Gaytheism is just retarded and embarrassing.
Do people really think they can know all the mysteries of the universe?
>>182654 (OP) 
hmmm feets
Replies: >>182673
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Listen you numbskull, feet is already the plural of the word foot, so the "s" can't be added to form yet another plural. Get some English lessons before shinning your ignorance upon the board.
ur gay
Replies: >>182677
ur[sic] ESL.
Replies: >>182814
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I was running through the jungle with my M16 and this fuken ASSAULT LOLI jumped out the bush and bumrushed us. She kung-fu kicked sarge in the jimmy, and he went down like a cloudflare site. Private Pyle fumbled with his rifle but forgot he had smuggled a jelly donut in the magazine, then tripped and couldn't get back up. Private joker tried some John Wayne shit but the loli wasn't impressed and while he was talkig smack, she threw her ass on his face and unloaded her chemical weapons. At this point I lost my nerve, and emptied all my magazines while doing a hasty retreat. I guarantee you those men were all KIA, sir. I'm not going back there to check, it's just too dangerous.
You shoulda been bothered by how small that foot looks. Too round looking and not long enough...that, and, you know, using a 'porn' image for this topic?
This proves not only that you have brain damage but also makes it kinda probable that the poster calling people esl is brain damaged too much to understand English ironically.
>>182654 (OP) 
>Do people really think they can know all the mysteries of the universe?
You are aware that you are asserting that you know, right? Men can know a lot of things, it's not a stretch to assume that we could get answers to all questions we could ask.
It's also worth mentioning that although it seems you think it's silly, the explanation for the cosmos as offered by scientism is logically consistent. It is precisely as internally logically consistent as many other creation myths. If it seems wrong that the contemporary cosmos could be the descendant of a primordial cosmos that came into being as a result of some inherent property of "nothingness" to become "somethingness" then it would have to be exactly as wrong for that "nothingness" to become "godliness" instead. 
The issue, clearly, is not with what has happened before but what is happening now. Gods are evidently not present, believing in them is therefore wrong.
What makes you think that logic can be trusted?
>bruuuuh so like there was nothing but then this guy came
>where'd he come from? uh... like... shut UP! that's not important. you wouldn't understand where HE came from anyway. what's important is he came and made everything be 
>what did he make it out of? like... like... fuck you! what are you some stupid gaylosopher? you're not supposed to think! you don't know everything anyway! at least I have my fee-fees!
Replies: >>182838 >>182850
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>there was nothing 
>but then this guy came
Tell me more.
>there was nothing and then a boom happened
>there was nothing and then a ZZ top band member said existence should exist
How do you no there was nothing beforehand?
If you had read my post you'd see that I'm not defending religion either.
Just admit that you (we) don't know the full truth of our reality, narcfag.
Replies: >>182976
feets r nais :-)
Why should I "admit" something any mentally formed grown man already understands?
Replies: >>182998
Because you looked like you were attacking religion as if you wanted to defend gaytheism.
It's good if you actually don't believe in either.
Replies: >>183400
>>182654 (OP) 
Atheists also say that "you can't measure God with this wooden ruler, so He doesn't exists!!!!1". Why can't they into abstract concepts?
Replies: >>183401
>Gods are evidently not present, believing in them is therefore wrong.
Perhaps God gave humans free will and he doesn't want to force humans to do what He wants since He doesn't want mindless meatbag robots...
Not being able to "know" (understand) everything in a single lifetime does not mean you should not try to understand what you can about the natural world, or much worse, take the shortcut of inventing fictional explanations.
Replies: >>183412
Here's an abstract concept for you: my God says you and your god are both faggots that suck ten thousand dicks every day. And you can't prove him wrong, so keep chugging on that semen.
No, as we humans are, we cannot possibly get understanding of everything in any amount of lifetimes, unless there theoretically was external help (from "God", or "aliens", or whatever the fuck (but if you firmly believe in any of those you're an idiot)).
And about fictional explanations, that's what gaytheism and all this evolutionary bullshit and Big Bang stories and whatnot are, except they're presented with a "scientific" and "objective" coat of paint, while at their core, they're as true (false) as religious stories. But again, at least religious stories have the merit of being interesting, while gaytheist ramblings have this "scientific" presentation that makes them as interesting as studying what a mitochondria is in middle school.
Replies: >>183416 >>187335
>biology is made up
>I prefer fee-fee fiction
You have more in common with the people you hate than you realize.
Replies: >>183423 >>187334
Prove to me that my great-great-great-grandpa was a monkey and that an explosion a gorillion years ago created the world. Oh wait, you can't.
Replies: >>183435
Monkeys get born by monkeys, ergo your great-great-great-grandpa was probably a monkey.
Replies: >>183473
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I'm not a monkey, though.
Replies: >>183477
Oh, really? And how will you prove it?
Replies: >>183481
No monkey is intelligent enough to write like this and post on this website.
Replies: >>183493
You aren't helping your case at all
Replies: >>183554
Stop being a dishonest nigger who thinks that a user of an imageboard being a person/human is as likely as some inconsistent garbage tranny gaytheist stories
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How are you, a presumably mortal being, supposed to make comments on the nature of God? The only truly "scientifically accurate" belief system is agnosticism, at least until a God shows itself.
based and truth
I don't get why people call evolution bullshit when it is the most probable explanation (i.e. birds' beaks changing sizes when a naturally occurring event changes food supply). It's an axiom that we assume to be true for the purposes of further research. Anyone who asserts that any theory is an absolute truth is faux educated.
>my grandfather is a monkey and great grandfather is a sponge... because bird's beaks sometimes change sizes
evolution is just "what works works, what doesn't doesn't" but the retarted masses think it's some kind of spontaneous mutation and that's why they are skeptical
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>Anyone who asserts that any theory is an absolute truth is faux educated.
except in math.
Replies: >>194447
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>dude there was nothing and then an explosion somehow happened and it created the cosmos
>and then on a giant rock water somehow started forming and living beings started forming in the water
>and due to random genetic mutations those beings became fish and then the fish grew legs and left the water and then they turned into dinosaurs and then they turned into birds
>and all the dinosaurs mysteriously died bro and then monkeys started walking on two legs and became cavemen who all mysteriously died too and became people for real
>and we can think and feel because of a lump of electric meat formed by said random mutations duderino

>and it's all going according to kami-sama's keikaku
deist master race
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There is lots of bullshit in math, e.g. the Ramanujan Summation: 
1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ + ∞ = -1/12
What a load of bullshit! Whoops, I used the word bullshit twice. Or maybe thrice, you never know with math.
Replies: >>194457 >>194515
A woman made this post.
Show tits and let me suck pls
Replies: >>194519
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>liking female balls in 2023
Replies: >>194521
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I can't help it. Oppai is life
Replies: >>194526
Well, better than being an ass-obsessed negro, I guess.
Replies: >>194540
And anything beats being a pedmoephile.
Oops, that's a funny way to misspell "4ddit spic with cute aggression".
>took a guess and was right
Moenigger is even easier to spot than fagatha.
>>182654 (OP) 
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feet thread?
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