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I've been thinking a lot about what life with a paraplegic person must be like.
Wouldn't it be nice to go for a walk in town while wheeling a cute disabled girl around? Helping her into the elevators in the subway tunnels and getting aboard the train?
As you wait patiently for the train to reach your stop, you keep a tight grip on the chair's handles so she doesn't go rolling off to the back of the wagon.
Once you two get home, she stretches her arms and asks you to help her onto the bed. You pick her up and princess carry her, gently laying her down on the mattress and covering her skinny, broken legs with a warm blanket.
She then looks up to you with thankful eyes, and says "Hey, um... Thanks for always helping me get around. You're... a very kind person."
Smiling weakly, she rests her head on the pillow and closes her eyes.
Well, I didn't really mean to write a story. I just wanted to give you all an example of how cute wheelchairs can be.
After reading my post, how do you feel about them? Any discussion and opinions are welcome.
>>182531 (OP) 
Dear anon you can still be nice to people and improve their lives without them being damn crippled.
>I just wanted to give you all an example of how cute wheelchairs can be.
Hell no. It's high time the fucking scientists GET TO FUCKING WORK WITH THEIR FUCKING A.I.-POWERED SUPERCOMPUTERS and figure out how to fix blindness, deafness, paralysis and other stupid shit that unlike mental illnesses can actually be cured mechanically.
Replies: >>182534
A crippled person depends on you being nice, which is very moe.
Replies: >>182537
You big meanie you. You're a nurse at heart.
I wonder if nurses get turned on by people being helpless and dependent on them. I bet they do.
Replies: >>182538
I know they do
Same thing with mothers and thier children, they get off on the power of it
Helping paraplegics is all fun and games until you get to the colostomy bag stage.
Why would they not just wear a diaper?
Bags are only used when there is some risk with the intestines
Replies: >>182546
Mmmm that's the best part, imagine:
>You clean you're waifu's colonoscopy bag and she blushes as you shake the turds around
Replies: >>182546
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Girls don't poop.
Sounds plausible
Where men have instestivens women have baby
>have cousin with severe cerebral palsy
>getting pretty worried that 20 years from now her parents will be dead and I will be stuck with her

I feel like a dick saying that, but fuck me if that isn't putting your life on hold.
Replies: >>182555 >>182591
Misery loves company and from her perspective she'll be stuck with you. In the end family's got to stick together, right?
>but fuck me if that isn't putting your life on hold.
Don't mind if I do. Twenty years from now you think you might have to take care of a family member and you think that's "putting your life on hold"? Are you a newborn or something? If not, then in twenty years you will either be a successful man with a family of his own or a hopeless failure. Either way there's nothing to "put on hold", not that taking care of your family should even be such an imposition anyway.
Replies: >>182607
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>>182531 (OP) 
That's a pretty weird fantasy, OP. Where'd it come from?
I'm guessing you've been playing Caligula2 recently, huh?
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Nigger tier behavior. 
Imagine not taking care of your family and those around you, you're playing right into the kike's plan.
Replies: >>182609 >>182661
The kike's plans have succeeded.
When society fails you and lets you down, you fail and let down society.
Family is just society at a smaller scale.
Replies: >>182615
You're looking at this the wrong way. The point is that one day you'll have a chance to shame the younger generations in your family into being your caretakers.
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Replies: >>182704 >>187382
Fucking tradcuck
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>>182531 (OP) 
Disabilities like this really separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to seeing who is in a relation for the sake of the other or who is in it for himself.
This sincerity that it forces to the front makes it all the more romantic. I guess that might be the reason for the popularity of that VN about the armless girl.
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I see Himari, I updoot.
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I share your feelings OP. As for me I would rather take care of a blind-deaf girl. I'm very tired so I won't take the time to explain how I imagine it being like but rest assured it is much like your own description. I hope I don't have to one day become blind-deaf, it must be terrible
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There was a post that apparently got deleted, which mentioned "2arms1head", basically a story about a guy who got into an accident that broke his spine and from then on he couldn't move or feel anything other than his head and arms, and eventually he killed himself.
It got me thinking... it must surely be horrible to get into a situation like that, but the truth is that I pretty much only use my head and arms because I'm on the computer all day (well, I also use my dick, but whatever). This got me thinking that I am like that guy, but I don't really feel like killing myself or anything.
>>182531 (OP) 
t. read Katawa Shoujo for the first time
Replies: >>187379
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There's no paraplegic/wheelchaired girl in Katawa Shoujo retard
Replies: >>187380 >>187382
Emi ends up in a wheelchair for a while.
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Meanie. Try Angel Beats then.

This raises an important point. What kind of ailment would put my waifu in a wheel chain so she can't run away but doesn't stop her giving footjobs?
It's literally unfinished and also I've heard it has gay routes
Some sort of heart disease. Walking, let alone running, exhausts her too much and she can get a heart attack. But she can still give footjobs from time to time if it's not too intense.
>Try Angel Beats then
Literally unfinished and I also heard it has gay routes.
The anime was pretty good though, but I don't remember if it had a wheelchaired girl.
I've long suspected this. . .
fatties LOVE wheelchairs
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>>182531 (OP) 
cripple girls are one of many things that're cute to fantasize about, like lolis or yandere girls for me, but unlike with those two, the thought of actually being with one, taking care of her every day and being with her, i'm not sure if i'd be strong enough to handle it....
the story you wrote did really tug at my heartstrings, though. i think the appeal (for me, at least) is just wanting to feel needed/loved/depended on.
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If it was an anime girl, dealing with her poop would not be a deal breaker for me, it would be 100% worth it. Just get some diapers, rubber gloves, a good hose, and clean her butt in the bathtub and you won't have to get your hands dirty too much
Replies: >>194024
Even if we accept that girls poop, anime girls still don't.
Replies: >>194026
Are you saying you wouldn't marry an anime girl because she poops? That's what this sounds like to me
Replies: >>194029
I'm just saying that they don't do it, but if they theoretically did it, I wouldn't mind too much.
Replies: >>194032
Would you mind if you had to clean it?
Replies: >>194035 >>194060
>>182531 (OP) 
I too once visited halfchan's /r9k/ an eon or so ago. I get it, the desire for one type of disabled to create harmony from dissonance. Very poetic but also unrealistic. It's why they go fully retarded and wiz-post instead of this sort of thing upon no longer being able to take the banter. Two ruined people do not improve nor complete one another. You're guilty of a fetish caused by low self esteem.
That would suck, but I would ultimately accept doing it.
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Clean it from where? From the floor or from the girl's butt?
Katawa shoujo
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