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 Dress to impress!

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Why does every "right-wing" eceleb (or similar breed of grifter) always have:
>soulless pit-black eyes
>sickly, off-white skin (occasionally covered with spray tan if they're trying to go for that "I have LOTS of sex with WOMEN" aesthetic)
>hairline completely eradicated by late 20s, but what does grow in is black
>greasy sandnigger-esque facial hair
>dysgenic, ape-like facial features
Do these people all come from the same place? Are three letter agencies growing these people out of a tube or something?
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>>181406 (OP) 
who are you referring to? Throw some names
>>181406 (OP) 
Jesus and Satan were both real. The difference is Satan was promiscuous and loved all kinds of women. His genes are scattered.

Through Denver Airport's covert genetic surveillance of North and South American hospitals, we now have the complete genome of Satan.

Unfortunately, Jesus is not survived by any human being.. as far as we looked on this side of the world.
Replies: >>181445
>reddit spacing
>muh esoteric shitposts
It's amusing to me that you're such an easily recognized faggot that I know for certain I've seen your retarded posts on other imageboards
Replies: >>181447
>>any spacing whatsoever
>muh reddit
holy shit you're annoying as fuck! literally worse than a fucking redditor, you can do nothing but complain about reddit
Replies: >>181448
You clearly have a love for that website so why don't you go back? It's apparent from your posts that's where you're from, in addition to the obviousness of your being new here. Normally your embarrassing pseudo-intellectual posts wouldn't be overly noticeable, but you stand out as not belonging here for the aforementioned reasons.
Replies: >>181450
you're the one who is completely speaking like a redditor now, so you go back to reddit, and have a nice year as well
Replies: >>181451
>No you're the Redditor!
About as good of a rebuttal as I would expect given how hard you're trying to come off as intellectually deep. You're not succeeding by the way
Replies: >>181471
Because they are all mischlings.
They are on the losing end due to dysgenics selecting for libcucks also a little of this  >>181407
>>181406 (OP) 
The handsome ones were banned I'm sure. It's how strawman tactic works, ((( they ))) want you to cringe thinking of siding with the guy so as to negate his views. 
This here though. I'll hide the thread soon if you don't answer OP.
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>>181406 (OP) 
They don't bother taking better care of themselves while playing on the grifter train. Trying to see how based they can be. You can bet your sweet nickle they don't stand by what they said and will end up  going radio silent and switching sides when current grift isn't working out for them. 
Everytime I see his post he's always doing the COINTELPRO tactic of things. 
It's like he's not even trying anymore.
Replies: >>181566
1 ameriutts are sickly and soulless by default.
2 they don't have to try when their opposition is a half-dead man in a wig, ready to or actively going into a septic shock from an open wound in its crotch.
Coachredpill, Andrew Anglin, Andrew Tate, I guess I was also thinking of this guy https://yewtu.be/channel/UCMYdyjyHjKMzltuatKxkudw
Replies: >>188062
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Both rightwing/leftwing shitcunts are the same. The only real differences between the two is that the use different methods to try to achieve the same end. For example, equality are quintessential talking points in both parties.
Replies: >>181488
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No, females with muscles/abs and ridiculous breasts/hips/thighs are not attractive.
Replies: >>181490
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>fit girls aren't attractive
t. likes fat pigs
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>Only 2 body types exist:
This is what sniffing glue does to your brain.
Replies: >>181493
Ugly FTM niggers.
Replies: >>181494
>doesn't know the term skinny-fat
Lol.  You saying that you wouldn't want your wife to be healthy and fit is about the gayest shit ever. You saying you'd rather have your wife die sooner is the gayest shit ever
Replies: >>181496
>muh trannies
A fit woman =/= a tranny. And most trannies (especially mentally ill women who have convinced themselves that they are men) are by and large not fit
Replies: >>181498
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Why the fuck are you conflating 2D with 3D now? When have you seen a 2D girl "die" from not looking like a gorilla???
Are you next going to say some anti-lolicon bullshit??
Replies: >>181509
They are not fit, they are monstrosities. They are also niggers.
Replies: >>181509
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every time
Replies: >>181504 >>181509
This but unironically.
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Who cares about what furries say.
Both them and monsterschizos suck. And musclefags too of course.
If they existed in this reality with all it's laws, then she would most likely die for being a gorilla quicker than being fit.
They are also 2d. 
It's true though. If you say it's gay, then you are just affirming trannies own doctrines
Replies: >>181510 >>181539
>It's true though. If you say it's gay, then you are just affirming trannies own doctrines
How so.
Replies: >>181530
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>>181406 (OP) 
Replies: >>181514
stupid nigger
That it isn't gay to like a tranny as long as it passes off as a female
Replies: >>181532 >>181539
The claim that liking females that looks like males is gay does not imply the opposite, mr. assumer.
Replies: >>181536
Ok so a a female who likes another muscular female isn't a dyke then?
Replies: >>181542
What a fucking derailment of a thread. Op still hasn't responded what types too.
Replies: >>181543
So what you're saying is that you're fine with hairy, curveless figures as long as they've got a pussy under there? Man, speaking of trannies.
She still is, but a bit less so. There are various degrees of faggotry.
>Op still hasn't responded what types too
Types of what?
I like this reaction pic where is it from? It's SOVL
Replies: >>181569
This, so much this! Every zoomer is cope seethe rent freeing the coomer doomers and sneed feed and seed, they're locked and keyed and SOVL and /pol/cel bloomer soulless black people(nah but seriously I'm not a racist, that's a /pol/cel thing, so please don't tell me to go back to /pol/ cuz I'm not ok) kino peak fiction!
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I just like the picture you spazz calm down
Replies: >>181618
You can express you liking for something without using shitty buzzwords.
Also, sites like SauceNAO, Yandex Images, etc, exist, tech illiterate dummy.
Replies: >>181667 >>181670
I know how to reverse image search you mong. Just thought I'd ask before doing that. Sovl vs sovlless threads are funny
>You can express you liking for something without using shitty buzzwords.
I can also do that with shitty buzzwords and there's basically nothing you can do to stop me. Please keep sperging at trivial shit constantly though I want to see your eventual mental breakdown and laugh at your brain rotting because you can't handle words on a screen.
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>someone is using my post to make fun of sneedspeak
I genuinely feel honored. Thanks for giving me hope in this site, anon.
>>181406 (OP) 
I automatically distrust anyone who shows their face on the internet, ESPECIALLY when they make ridiculous faces for the thumbnails.
cyclist girls are the fittest and best girls but  now it's hard finding one outside ever since the gym opened. I only see couples or men riding on the street.
You are missing plem with its variations.
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>>181406 (OP) 
Does Luke Smith count?
Replies: >>188066
>soyjak affiliation
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>soulless pit-black eyes
Do they?
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They're famous because they're celebrities.
They're celebrities because they're famous.
Such super important famous celebrities, big hot shots.
The page limit should be expanded from 20 to 50.
this thread reeks of /pol/trannys
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>>181406 (OP) 
I look like that though my eyes are a little browner than a soulless shade of black. I'm a mutt but I believe Armenians can sometimes fit the bill closer than I. Otherwise I've only seen asians with such features.
There could be some real insight derived from actual discussion of this topic.
Replies: >>195322 >>195333
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Someone please think of something to say to progress this topic to derive some real insight.
I'm sure there's a lot to talk about in a /pol/shit thread.
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