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>2030: Through VR and AI, your waifu is now real.
>>172258 (OP) 
oh but who will single mothers prey on get to food for their unwanted children
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meanwhile, as you were fapping to uncanny valley shit at 2 fps...
Replies: >>172677 >>173372
>>172258 (OP) 
If you need anything more than your imagination to sustain your waifu, you are a zoomer irony weeb with a shallow mind.
Replies: >>172384
>>172258 (OP) 
>anus still comes out of the coccyx
Thanks, turk.
>>172258 (OP) 
Which AI made these?
this is literally something an irony hipster would come up with
This... and how much money will it take to even buy it OP?
I don't get it.
90s VHS porn?
It's sad how trash this guy's taste is, he even likes AIslop.
I am the last bastion of good taste and true loli spamming.
>he can't answer
New = bad is probably the other side of that joke. And or it's Liz or at least reminds older people of Liz. Lizvisious or whatever. People used to actually crush on porn stars back in the day.
>>172258 (OP) 
If your waifu comes from a piece of media where she has a romantic or sexual partner, likely she would still love the guy/girl she was with in her native world of fiction, and if she didnt she'd likely prefer somone who is most like her lover in that world when she comes to this world.

But even if that were true, she'd not be as appealing as a waifu for you, she might be cucking her canon lover with you, or perhaps her love for her canonical partner was part of why you had loved her to begin with. She might not be your waifu wothout her love for her canonical mate.

Just think about it.
Replies: >>183802
>While it's true that a waifu from a fictional world might still have feelings for her canonical partner, it's also possible for her to develop new feelings for her creator or the one who made her "real" through VR and AI. People's feelings and emotions are complex and can change over time. It's up to the individual to decide who they want their waifu to be and what kind of relationship they want to have with her.

Lol the AI disagrees.
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Replies: >>188831
>>172258 (OP) 
That's when I stop liking her
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