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>The hypothesis that society will reach a peak of harmonious functioning when each of its divisions efficiently performs its designated function, as a body's organs individually contribute to its
general health and functionality, lies at the center of corporatist theory.

>”it means a nation organized as the human body, with each organ performing its individual function but working in harmony with the whole” - Oswald Mosley on corporatism

The basic premise of the anime ‘Cells at Work’ is to portray the human body as if it were a human society, which unintentionally means it represents fascism. The viewer isn't even aware he's being fed fascist propaganda because they think they're just being educated about how the human body works.
Replies: >>1672
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>fascism is just collectivism
Replies: >>1102 >>1515
The white cells also kill the invaders and the cancer jew that pushes his gay philosophy
>>fascism is just collectivism
It’s called pro-jek-shun, anon. Tumblr creatures do this all the time.
>>1093 (OP)  who cares? it's the cringiest show of the fucking era

it's like that fucking hollywood movie on human body, but on the even worse level on the level of feeding telletubies

at least telletubies dont act like a goddamn cult for chuunibyous trying to run a fucking hospital while promoting  its charity venue disguising a prostitution ring
Replies: >>1675 >>1920
I liked it
how can you call it cringiest when moeshit exists
Replies: >>1921 >>1923
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Uh oh, looks like someone has a liberal brain and got lost on "xer" way to Reddit.
Replies: >>1924 >>1936
Replies: >>1924
Replies: >>1929
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not reading your textwall faggot
hating tranime is a sign of sanity not the opposite
trannies and leftist redditors hate masculine figures (daddy issues) so good pretending otherwise
seethe and dilate
>trannies and leftist redditors hate masculine figures (daddy issues)
you're not more manly because you watch niggerball retard
>come to /a/
>complain about topic of the board
Ur an retard

Genetic refuse hate anything beautiful, masculine or feminine, because it reminds them that they are repugnant. They only enjoy the inversion of such traits. Hence the trooner obsession.
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>daddy issues
I've become convinced that anyone who brings this out of nowhere is projecting. Also,
>normalfag meme gif
The cherry on top of the shit cake. Embarrassing.
Replies: >>1933
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>says the one who posted the reddit meme gif
Replies: >>1935
I wouldn't know since I don't use reddit like you, neither did I post that, schizo kun
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Stop posting this, it's retarded and wrong. Cuteness aggression isn't what the retarded OP says it is and you can find this out with 5 minutes of google, along with the fact that OP completely headcannoned all that they're saying from their sources, none of which even relate to what they're saying.
Replies: >>1937 >>1948
>t. brownoid coping before going back to torturing kitties
Replies: >>1938
>check sources
>amyg not mentioned once
>search cute aggression
>no amyg mentioned
>interaction between oxytocin and vasopressin
Imagine going in an anime board and seething about anime LOL
That’s not OP, dumbass
I’m the person that started this thread
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Some faggot who thinks that Once Upon a Time... Life but written by Japanese people affirms his shit (and also inorganic) political ideology and some retard screeching about moefaggotry. What a shit thread. Misunderstand me correctly,  Once Upon a Time... Life has blatant propaganda. In the last episode where maestro gives a speech affirming progressivism and genesplicing. Cells at work seems to not have anything comparable to that.
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