Come here, anon. Even if no one will ever love you, at least I feel better in comparison to you.
Poor Paru-chan is peeing herself from loneliness because you didn't want to be her bubby, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, ANON
look I tried to make it back to you in the astral but navigation is really difficult ok
What does she want from me? To wash her clothes or something like that?
>>1903 Did you mean "I tried to make it back to you in ASStral BUTT navigation is really difficult?"
>>1908 バブルはすごいな
... I'm be-ginning to suspink Yuugi's grass sake... wasn't not made from some inodrinary grass...
Stupid sexy umbrella, you think I won't rape you just because you don't have holes?
>>3795 Who needs her to have holes? Just imagine the rimjobs she could give with that tongue, my God.
>>3797 More like bodyjobs. Imagine going into the bath in the evening and having all of the dried saliva from across your body dissolve in the water.