Will I ever 1CC toehoe 2 on lunatic? y/n
>>894 (OP)
>>895 At least Seija believes in you.
>>901 She have changed her mind.
>>903 She's just mocking you in hopes of getting hatefucked. She's an amanojaku after all!
>>904 Seija says "No" and gets raped. Seija says "Yes" and still get raped. It's not easy being an amanojaku.
>>905 Her own fault for being such a rapebait.
>>905 Don't worry, she hates it.
I want to rape Seija forever.
>>894 (OP) Touhou 2 is broken as fuck. Just rapidly tap the Z key to make shit die. Like MoF Marisa B but with all shot types.
>woah this anon has the same problem I have >wait that's me 3 months ago
>>1779 Based retard.
grind pcb if you want it that bad retard