What was the name of that japanese blog that posted about new fangames, projects, videos, etc. It was the site that introduced tohoclock and 橙地霊村 to me.
制作のしおり https://sshiori.blog.fc2.com http://www.aurora.dti.ne.jp/~sek/ Found him again somehow, by searching for 東方 リンク Last post in 2019, huh. I guess he got bored finally. Or died. Still lots of links to dig through, with lots of them dead too probably. Actually he still posts on twitter, with a weird gap between 2019 and 2021. A few links I found while searching for this. ttps://yannosu1012.karou.jp/log/log004.html ttp://atelierdorineko.blog.shinobi.jp http://cgi.din.or.jp/~riro/serch/newlist.cgi http://ohyuki.grats.jp https://yannosu1012.karou.jp http://blog.livedoor.jp/yukkuriplace_anko/ https://blog.livedoor.com/category/594/