It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
>>864 (OP) No thanks, I do not take WHORES.
>>865 She's not a whore, she's not taking money. She will suck your penis dry absolutely for free!
>>864 (OP) Thanks, I've already got the newer model.
>>879 But why is it so small?
>>885 It's portable. Hardware is getting thinner by the day, and Scarlets are no exception.
>>887 I would rather use a desktop model. Portables look cute but are useless for real work.
>>886 Sorry, Ms. enma, I only accept shit from fruit tree spirits.
>>888 Sike! Your desktop is now portable too!
>>889 >fruit tree spirits. Who?
>>890 Sike! You portable is now not-so-portable!
>>893 Where'd you get this thing from? Looks like a chink knock-off.
>>917 >Where'd you get this thing from? North Korea.
>>892 These guys.
>>918 Wouldn't it look more like this then?
they look like webpshit
>>933 i can go all day i can go all day
Can this board fit 140 threads for every character there is? Maybe splitting by game is better?
>>937 you parade
I wonder if this is that furry from that furry thread shitting this place up. He probably thinks I care.
He doesn't know I'm a closet furry myself.
>>942 Am I a boogeyman now?