ZUN thread
>>688 (OP) All this alcoholism really did a number on his voice.
>draw something before sleep >anything is fine, just do it
Think about it: 2hus were born in ZUN's mind. This means their personalities are a subset of ZUN's. This means that liking 2hus makes you gay for ZUN.
>>763 Alll girls were born in their father's balls. This means that liking a girl makes you gay for her father.
>>766 Technically, it makes you gay for both her grandfathers and straight for both her grandmothers.
>>774 What's that on his face?
>>775 Glasses.
>>777 What a poser, I bet he's not even blind.
Fucking your sister is like fucking yourself, that's gay. Unless everyone around is even more of a shit than you, then it's better to fuck yourself.
--Lao Tze Dun, 2022
>>766 Jokes on you.
>>833 What's “Penis Birth ♀”?
>>836 It's when the girl is born in her mother's balls instead of her father's, so it's not gay to like her.
>>841 Girls don't have balls, only vagina and dick.
>>856 Ballless dicks are ugly as fuck (and so is pussy amid perineum, to be frank). I'd rather just be gay at that point.
>>856 What's this then?
Who is this "JUNE"?
Zun-kun is a wise man.
>>1503 What is this game?