Goat o a t
>>526 Sheepgoat!
Goat oat
>>527 Goats can impreg sheep. It never ends well, but they totally can.
>>533 Humans can impregnate sheep. It never ends well, but they totally can.
>>534 But can sheep perganate humans? Because they can perganate goats.
So goat is basically tiny Yuyuko?
>>623 Yuyuko only eats physical/tangible things. Spoongoat eats the intangible only.
>>626 So she won't eat up my cum? What the fuck is her point, then? The hell is ZUN thinking, 0/10 shithu.
>>626 I think the readme Eastern Greed Tale came with said she can suck up anything, edible or not.
What's important is that her death confirms that as long as their associated element persists, youkai are actually factually the fairy kind of immortal, and could as well be dying every time you piichun them. Which means that all guro porn is canon now.
>>627 >So she won't eat up my cum? Nobody would eat your cum.
>>633 Tell that to Shion and Reimu.
I can't imagine the amount of std's you would get from that poorfag.
>>637 Just don't put your meat rod into any of her holes.
>>637 Gods don't catch humans' diseases, silly. At least not physical.
>>641 But do humans catch gods' diseases?
>>642 At least not physical.
>>627 >So she won't eat up my cum? She can. It's just that she's eating mine now :^)
>>691 Oh, come on. She's got 6 more holes free, at least. So much for a goad of greed.
>>695 fug
>>695 And that's counting eyesockets as occupied.
>>698 You forgot her urethra, so it's seven.
Goat sex.
at least trannies mutilate only themselves
>>701 Trannies? Where?
>>701 goet
The goat is Satan!
>>701 Personal experience?
>>704 Why does Reisen look so tired? Also, why is Reisen even there, when Reimu fits better as the Doomguy replacement?
>>708 >Why does Reisen look so tired? Beating 29 levels full of crazy bloodthirsty demons is not a walk in the park. >Also, why is Reisen even there, when Reimu fits better as the Doomguy replacement? Reimu don't have a gun.
What's the point of spoilering porn if all you ever talk about is sex anyway?
>>711 The admin is spoilering it if you don't
>>710 Cute tummy.
>>704 SHE IS HUGE!
>>709 Because someone had to pay for what happened to Tewi.
>>718 That wasn't Tewi, just a pet bunny of Reisen.
But Tewi, is a pet bunny of Reisen.
>>720 No, Reisen is Tewi's pet.
More like Reisen is a punching bag for everyone in Eientei
>>722 But she likes it.
>>716 NO, FLAN, NO!
>>724 She looks like Marx there
>>722 Only during the day.
>>711 >t. womanbrain
>>725 Seems more like Stalin to me.
>>734 Stalin was a crazy little vampire girl with rainbow colored wings with magic abilities who exploded people? I didn't know that.
>>768 The KGB didn't want you to know.
I can't believe it! Yuyuko has eaten the goat!
>>797 >Yuyuko has eaten the goat! That's not Yuyuko, it's her son.
>>816 Goat feet.
>>817 Goat cock.
>spoilering porn >not spoilering the final boss of a game that is only 3 months old Does the board owner even play touhou?
>>829 >only 3 months old
>>830 It's just sage schizo being a retard as always, just leave him be
>>832 >haven't seen him at all on plw lately >he pops up here Who knew all we had to do to get him to fuck off was move /2hu/ somewhere else.
>>829 >Does the board owner even play touhou? Nobody does. We just masturbate to huge-dicked futa Touhous.
>>837 Allow me to use sagecuck as an opportunity to remind everyone that you're only allowed to masturbate to touhous you have beaten at least on normal.
Goat with glasses
>>842 Gloat with gases
>>847 Why is it curving it's chest and putting it's feet together all gracious-like? Trying to seduce me into furfaggotry, little shit?
>>840 I've beaten her though. This is 10 hours of my life I'm not getting back. Also >webp shit Also >giant filename
>Full Release: October 24th, 2021 So, was I fucking wrong? Only 3 months. I rarely play games that aren't at least 5 years old.
Looks easy to photoshop away.
Take a look at this btw.
cute goat
Don't chew on your toothbruuush!
Коза недоёбаная, в жопу себе свою ложку засунь и проверни.
>>1072 Ложки нет.
>>1072 >>1073 Sorry I don't speak invasion
Of course you don't, pussy.
ZUN sure has a thing for gluttonous women.
>>1194 Can you blame him?
>>1194 No, he has a thing for drinking girls.
>>1194 Big appetites signify high metabolism. I wonder if the woman he married is anything like that.
>>1194 >>1208 It's only reasonable to conclude he also has a thing for girls that love to fug.
>>1215 It's only reasonable to conclude he also has a thing for futas.
>>1219 I want that dick in my ass!
>>1227 90% of fairies share that condition.
>>1219 >balls ugly and gay even worse than breasts
Poor remilia.
>>1250 I want to consume a flandre-shaped ice-cream cake.
>>1645 I want to consume ice-cream made from Flandre's frozen pussy juice.
Goat has new danmanku.
Gas station goat
Now bumping the thread from the 3rd page makes it duplicate.
>>1728 A poem, if you will: Goat's oil is black... My semen is white...
>>1728 How do we know she isn't siphoning my remaining gas? She hoards that stuff after all.
>>1755 Pretty sure station pistol can't pump the gas back out.
>>1757 She could easily modify it to do so.
>>1760 She's a goat, not a kappa.
Touhou 17.5 gonna have content update that adds Yuuma story mode, which means she become playable https://twitter.com/touhou_station/status/1521101182445694978
>>1870 >Goat sharing food Did hell just freeze over?
>gonna have who cares about "gonna", I have 59304573 games to play right now, don't waste my time.
Welp, time to walk the goat!
>>2101 Where does the goat pee?
>>2105 ur mouth lol
>>2108 The goat pees in me? No! My penis in a goat!
>>2105 Onee-chan's bed!
>>2133 Ha-a, I wanna force that oversized lollipop down the goat throat.
Touch the COW
>>2316 This is the goat thread, disappear now
>>2317 Do it NOW
>>2316 >>2319 Fuck the cow Do her now
Stupid goat!
>>2525 *chomps her dick* That was bad idea, Flan
>>2525 Humongous Flandre's balls
>>2525 flandre is trans now? I will not play GI
>>2532 ur mum is trans now, mfer
>>2526 Don't do that, Yuuma! Getting her dick bit makes Flan cum barrels on end!
>>3420 >>704 WOW, I can't believe ZUN literally ripped off idSoftware! >>768 >He doesn't know about KGB's penis-explosion chambers.
i liek gote
>>1829 Berry Nice >>2428 She needs borger instead
Goats milk
>>4087 Goats milk can be used to make goats cheese, how much would a wheel of Yuuma cheese hypothetically cost?
>>4087 Goats "milk"
>>4359 Fuck you and your punny smart ass.
>>4359 Haha, yeah you got me. Really though, post goat dick.
>>4364 I prefer goat getting dicked.
>>4353 what pokemon is this
>>4428 >play this webm >works fine >forget to save it >come back to save it >try to play it first >3 seconds in "No video with supported format and MIME type found." What the fuck man I've never had this happen halfway through a webm much less after I'd already successfully loaded it beforehand, usually it'll refuse to load at all. Help I'm computer retarded!
>>4444 >try saving it anyway >try using wget on the URL, which is more robust than browser downloads >go to MTB's jewtube channel and yt-dlp the video from there You have numerous options.
>>4445 No shit I saved it this time and it works if I play it from my files but it won't work on my browser anymore is the issue, why the fuck did this happen?
Find SEX GOAT pictures and exclusive GOAT SEX videos on: http://goatse.cx !
Yuu mama so fat, she ate the whole spoonful.