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You know what you did anon.
Replies: >>4179
yeah well you don't owned
Replies: >>4125
I cum directly into my hand and walk to the bathroom sink to wash it off instead of using napkins or a rag.
Replies: >>4125
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You know what you did anon.

>I cum directly into my hand and walk to the bathroom sink to wash it off instead of using napkins or a rag.
Gross, have you ever thought about how many cum drops fall unto the floor by accident when you do that? Your friends and family may very well have walked on your cum drops. Just get a bulk pack of napkins you lazy cheap fuck.
Replies: >>4129
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I usually pirate my media
Replies: >>4134
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I usually cum in Remilia.
Replies: >>4134
I don't have people over to my house and do not care about them stepping in cum regardless. Feel free to come over and let me use your mouth tho
Oh I also throw expired eggs into my neighbor's yard. For some reason he has never said anything about it.
Replies: >>4134
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As far as bideo gaymes goes no one cares about the pennies EA, Microsoft, or Activision loses as a result of piracy and all the shit Jewisoft has done including trying to promote NTF nonsense more or less means they especially deserve to be victim to that since they refuse to just make good games.
Then you've got anime, because of regional bullshit you've got very few outlets to actually support anime studio's and sheit companies like Crunchycunt have clearly shown they're no ally and are entirely self serving.

...BUT when it comes to small indie title game devs your refusal to purchase genuine copies of their games is in fact putting holes in their pockets (not literally) so you should feel bad about that. Keep the pirated copies on a flash drive wrapped in foil just in case a solar flare ever hits the earth again and wipes out the Internet and countless hard drives too.

>I usually cum in Remilia.
Either stop or marry the Remi.

>I don't have people over to my house and do not care about them stepping in cum regardless. Feel free to come over and let me use your mouth tho
>Oh I also throw expired eggs into my neighbor's yard. For some reason he has never said anything about it.
That's a shitty thing to do anon, it's also wasteful. Why not just throw those eggs in a giant composting bin and get free soil after a few months or even weeks depending on the density and organic matter in your regions soil an dirt.
Replies: >>4139
Why compost perfectly good throwing eggs? Plus he lets his dog shit in my yard and never cleans it up. I think I'll start putting those in his mailbox lol
Replies: >>4140
Maybe he's letting his dog shit in your yard because you leave eggs in his.
Replies: >>4143
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thank you for your wisom Eiki-sama
how do I stop fapping? I want to maximise my testostore and spend less time doing it but since my life is shit I fantasise about loving relationships with 2hus
Replies: >>4146
Nah I never start shit, I'm purely a retaliatory person.
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Masturbation is often times a reaction to being bored, try involving yourself outside more often by hiking, biking, or kayaking and or getting yourself autisticly devoted to a hobby you enjoy a lot. Maybe that would be in the form of building and flying RC planes, gardening, carpentry, cooking, or competitive cowboy shooting. Doesn't matter what it is so long as it keeps you distracted and away from a PC monitor thus away from temptation of the horny impulse.

As for being less prone to being horny and raising your testosterone at the same time well that's a catch 22. By exercising regularly and dieting better by rejecting junk food with processed GMO soy and corn syrup in favor of more pasture raised protein such as free range bug and seed fed chicken and vegetables you will increase your testosterone which will also raise your libido levels making you even more horny. So I guess become even more invested in hobbies? You'll certainly have the energy.

Just know this doesn't just happen over night, you have to get up even on days when you don't want to, well with exercising your supposed to have some rest days else you'll over strain your muscles.
The road to self improvement is a long one but a road worth crossing.
Replies: >>4152
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Again, thank you for your wisdom Eiki-sama.

The problem is almost all of my faps happen when I wake up, unwilling to bolt out of bed and do what I am supposed to. Hell, I am currently writing this on my bed. I am not really sure what I am supposed to even do, or even if I am going to succeed in university.

Atleast I have been taking to mostly studying outside of my 2m2 student cage. I have also taken up running in the nights, but I have recently stopped because my calves started to hurt really bad when I ran again. I miss it because it was pure dopamine that I couldn't get from anything else.

As for my diet, I think I have a good one. It consists of mostly proteins; milk, pork, cheese, chicken and beef with the occasional goyslop like chocolate and cookies. I also consume fruits like bananas and apples. I try to consume more vegetables like carrots and broccoli but the latest broccoli I bought just sits there in the fridge. I might just throw it in a pot and dizzle it with olive oil and lemon. I have also looked into making my own desserts, I bought ingredients for making künefe and am looking forward to preparing it tomorrow.
As for GMOs, soy and corn syrups, I think Germany has a good standard of quality but I am not sure.

As for hobbies, there I am sorely lacking. Except for running, there is no timely hooby I do; I dropped Japanese as my current situation of being able to read mangas is enough for me, I have dropped drawing, I barely write anymore. I kind of feel guilty not doing enough studying but that time goes into fucking around in chans instead.

I am sorry for bothering you with my ramblings and blogpostings but there really isn't too many people I can tell about this.
Replies: >>4155
I fap to make the feeling of being horny go away.
Replies: >>4155
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>The problem is almost all of my faps happen when I wake up, unwilling to bolt out of bed and do what I am supposed to. Hell, I am currently writing this on my bed. I am not really sure what I am supposed to even do
Just getting up, standing, and walking around is a good way to draw blood away from your boner and into your legs and arms. Don't beat yourself up to much for the crime of having a healthy sex drive anon, limit your fapping to once every week or every two weeks like you would with any other vice like booze, over sleeping, or to much Bideo Gayming.
>or even if I am going to succeed in university.
All I can say is work hard and pursue the things that interest you. Don't let yourself become demoralized and never be afraid to try new things every week/day because that's the only way you'll figure out what you wanna do with your life when you graduate unless you already know what your doing afterwords.
>Atleast I have been taking to mostly studying outside of my 2m2 student cage.
Neat what subject?
>I have also taken up running in the nights, but I have recently stopped because my calves started to hurt really bad when I ran again. I miss it because it was pure dopamine that I couldn't get from anything else.
You might have joint or muscle problems or just be dehydrated. See a trustworthy doctor about that or eat/drink more things with collagen in them for your bone and joint health.

Also perhaps you just need to do some stretches to loosen up your muscles before running.
>As for my diet, I think I have a good one. It consists of mostly proteins; milk, pork, cheese, chicken and beef with the occasional goyslop like chocolate and cookies.
Chocolate is technically healthy in small servings but only when it's low sugar organic kind, chocolate/coco is very rich in Zinc which your body definitely needs so don't be afraid to treat yourself to it once in a while, you should limit your cookie consumption though.
>As for GMOs, soy and corn syrups, I think Germany has a good standard of quality but I am not sure.
A lot better especially since you Eurobros aren't drowning your crops in toxic crap like Monsanto/Bayer roundup crap like we North Americans do. I'm sure even your typical street vendor pretzel is gonna be healthier than what we typically eat even when trying to be healthy. Still it's good that you care about your health, the body is the temple of the soul after all.
>I have dropped drawing, I barely write anymore. I kind of feel guilty not doing enough studying but that time goes into fucking around in chans instead.
Try something new, maybe fishing or archery. As for posting on teh chans well it be hypocritical for me to lecture you on that since we're all guilty in that regard.
>I am sorry for bothering you with my ramblings and blogpostings but there really isn't too many people I can tell about this.
Nonsense it gives this thread something to discuss rather than having it slowly just 404ing itself.

Drink a glass of milk, eat some pineapple, and go on a light jog to make up for it.
Replies: >>4157
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>Don't beat yourself up to much for the crime of having a healthy sex drive anon
The thing is, I often don't want to get up and start studying etc. but just sleep some more while imagining my 2hu gf. But I would like to stop because I always wanted to see if the Taoist scriptures and in a way [spoiler] nofappers [/spoiler] are true.

>All I can say is work hard and pursue the things that interest you
I don't know, time seems to past too fast and the day seems to end with almost no studying, yet I am still tired. I should really get back to writing everything I do in a timetable so I can get a better idea.
>Neat what subject?
would rather not tell, but it is a hard STEM subject

>with collagen in them for your bone and joint health
will look into it

> you should limit your cookie consumption though
yeah, I have been replacing them with bananas instead, mom says potasium is good for sore muscles

>Try something new, maybe fishing or archery
I always wanted to play the accordion but it is expensive and most likely not allowed in my dormitory. I always wanted to go hiking, especially one day in the Appalachian trail. I have scouted some hiking spots but the subjects now are a little bit rough, maybe next year. 

Speaking of the Appalachian trail, do you know anything interesting/ good to know about it?

Also this day is the day of Turkish elections and the 100th year of the republics founding. It is between an old cocksucker who  filled Turkey with Syrians, Pakis and god knows what and another one who wants the same because the EU commanded him so. Think of it like Biden opening the floodgates for millions of illegals to come in. Americans and we have alot in common but sometimes your countrymen can be so stuck in their own arse. I wish that were not the case, me myself am a huge Southieboo
Replies: >>4158 >>4163
fail spoiler
>this loser doesn't use asterisks
**lol lmao**
Replies: >>4164
what an absolute troglodyte retard
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Eiki-sama is dead...
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>>4119 (OP) 
I know what you did, Anon.
Forgive me for using continues on easymodo I can't play bullet hells for shit
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I'm wearing shift-jizz of a bottomless Orin as my keyboard wallpaper, and if anybody ever understood what it is, they were too polite to bring it up.
Replies: >>4219
>bottomless Orin
>arab Keyboard
Replies: >>4220
I think you meant to say...
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