>The problem is almost all of my faps happen when I wake up, unwilling to bolt out of bed and do what I am supposed to. Hell, I am currently writing this on my bed. I am not really sure what I am supposed to even do
Just getting up, standing, and walking around is a good way to draw blood away from your boner and into your legs and arms. Don't beat yourself up to much for the crime of having a healthy sex drive anon, limit your fapping to once every week or every two weeks like you would with any other vice like booze, over sleeping, or to much Bideo Gayming.
>or even if I am going to succeed in university.
All I can say is work hard and pursue the things that interest you. Don't let yourself become demoralized and never be afraid to try new things every week/day because that's the only way you'll figure out what you wanna do with your life when you graduate unless you already know what your doing afterwords.
>Atleast I have been taking to mostly studying outside of my 2m2 student cage.
Neat what subject?
>I have also taken up running in the nights, but I have recently stopped because my calves started to hurt really bad when I ran again. I miss it because it was pure dopamine that I couldn't get from anything else.
You might have joint or muscle problems or just be dehydrated. See a trustworthy doctor about that or eat/drink more things with collagen in them for your bone and joint health.
Also perhaps you just need to do some stretches to loosen up your muscles before running.
>As for my diet, I think I have a good one. It consists of mostly proteins; milk, pork, cheese, chicken and beef with the occasional goyslop like chocolate and cookies.
Chocolate is technically healthy in small servings but only when it's low sugar organic kind, chocolate/coco is very rich in Zinc which your body definitely needs so don't be afraid to treat yourself to it once in a while, you should limit your cookie consumption though.
>As for GMOs, soy and corn syrups, I think Germany has a good standard of quality but I am not sure.
A lot better especially since you Eurobros aren't drowning your crops in toxic crap like Monsanto/Bayer roundup crap like we North Americans do. I'm sure even your typical street vendor pretzel is gonna be healthier than what we typically eat even when trying to be healthy. Still it's good that you care about your health, the body is the temple of the soul after all.
>I have dropped drawing, I barely write anymore. I kind of feel guilty not doing enough studying but that time goes into fucking around in chans instead.
Try something new, maybe fishing or archery. As for posting on teh chans well it be hypocritical for me to lecture you on that since we're all guilty in that regard.
>I am sorry for bothering you with my ramblings and blogpostings but there really isn't too many people I can tell about this.
Nonsense it gives this thread something to discuss rather than having it slowly just 404ing itself.
Drink a glass of milk, eat some pineapple, and go on a light jog to make up for it.