Discus things about Daiyou-chan.
>>4020 (OP) I feel like I could snap her neck by shoving her head, and I want to do just that
>>4021 What would compel you to wanna harm an innocent lake fairy like that?
>>4022 No such thing as an innocent lake fairy
>>4023 >No such thing as an innocent lake fairy Counter argument, could an 'evil' fairy have a pair of giant bazookas such as these? Exactly, it would be impossible.
>>4025 I'm just gonna do it, ok? Do you really worry she can't take it? She's a big girl
>>4021 >>4026 You'd better be ready for the consequences.
>>4027 I told you she'd be fine
>>4026 >I'm just gonna do it Fairies are capable of defending themselves you do know that right anon? If you end up dead in a ditch for a provocation you started then that's on (You).
Daiyou-chan is so... so... BIG 🤤🤤🤤
On a side note I'm not usually a fan of 'short stacks' but for Daiyou it just works so I do consider her having a big rack in proportion to her size to be cannon. I only hope Zun feels the same.
>>4028 Big mistake anon, enjoy getting violently raped and murdered. By the end of it you'll wish you had simply received a bullet. You brought this unto yourself buddy.
Lake fairies are cute
Greater lake fairies are sexy.
Greater lake fairies are very intelligent.
I want to freeze Daichan Also why is the mem font here white on white?