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I have data I need to parse through tonight.
Replies: >>4019
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>>4002 (OP) 
Finished parsing through data, no it didn't take me nearly a whole week I just got lazy and almost didn't update my thread.
Did take me all night though.
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Replies: >>4089 >>4093
Aren't these comics made by one of those guys who had a spergout during the trump election?
Replies: >>4094 >>4095 >>4101
I don't know about that specifically but he is in a typical spot on the political spectrum to have done that.
Still, some of the comics are fine when taken on their own.
Replies: >>4101
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Yes. https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/Sad_comics
That's a given for 99% "nerd/geek" culturists, though.
They are overwhelmingly pozzed because even the actually well-educated once are constantly on the newest currentest thingest koolaid of tomorrow out of the constant need to validate their smarts.
Waiting for an equally obnoxious opposite flavour of pozz in two more decades, when opposing current mainstream culture will be the new progressive thing.
Replies: >>4097 >>4101
Sorry about bringing this shit up in the 2hu cunny board, by the way.
Replies: >>4104
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Meh, me personally I've grown tired of giving a shit about which Chicom, AIpac, Vatican, or WEF-Davos puppet mans the Oval Office desk. Not like I or any other ordinary citizen actually gets any real choices anymore, JFK was the last real president we had and his head was blown off because he tried to introduce a silver dollar into circulation.
We don't have presidential elections, we've only got corporate media selections. As a result I only care about local shit I actually have a say in.
Replies: >>4102
I just wanted to fuck with the guy who was posting those comics, honestly.
Replies: >>4103 >>4104
No way, fag.
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>Sorry about bringing this shit up in the 2hu cunny board, by the way.
You're forgiven, I'd be a hypocrite otherwise.

Understandable, but the way I see it is who cares about the origin of an exploitable image macro (meme) as redditors like to call em, if it has utility then it should be modified and used. Those who do care tend to be huge spergs.
Nature isn't stagnant, rivers change course, the wind blows as it pleases, and even whole continents get shaken to their core over time. The same applies here, (meme's™) evolve.

Now let's return to the original goal of this thread, an excuse to use a shitty pun and post cute cranky underworld elves with freckles.
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Replies: >>4112
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So who in all of Gensokyo is the best programmer?
Replies: >>4115
yukari you retarded secondary
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Eiki and Komachi parsing through lots of data.
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The data:
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