Don't believe me? Check the quints.
>>399 (OP) Leave my wife alone
>>402 Nope! Think fast, chief PAD! Ha-ha-ha~
>>402 no
Why does Sakuya use pads? She can just ask Patchouli to use magic to enlarge her boobies or buy a secret medicine from Eirin.
>>409 She is ashamed to admit her breast are perfect size.
>>409 Patche a baka too.
>>410 >She is ashamed to admit her breast are perfect size. Perfect for bullying.
>>412 Secretly masochistic pink-haired bunnies exist for that.
>>410 She shouldn't be. With all the work she does (especially cleaning/fixing any fuckups she or anyone else makes via timestop) and how well she probably eats living in the mansion, she'd have a really toned body. Why settle for one good body part, when you can be ascetically /fit/ all around? Besides, thighs and hips are superior.
>>416 But she lazes around in bed for 10 hours every morning before getting up (and going to kick Meiling's ass for oversleeping) and takes breaks each hour with snacks she steals from the kitchen (when Meiling is around to push it on her later). It's just that none of it ever goes to her boobies.
>>435 >It's just that none of it ever goes to her boobies. Yes, it all goes to her butt.
>>405 >>406
Sakuya has grew boobies, but...
>>435 Should have asked Patche for help. Watch and learn:
>>1195 OH, SHIT!
>>1195 >>1196 Those images are a lie. Patchouli already has huge 100 percent natural badoonkas.
>>1205 I doubt her heart would be able to sustain a quarter this much extra bodyfat.
>>1833 What in tarnations are you doing, Miss Sakuya?
Sakuya is the perfect and elegant maid... With an enormous ass.
>>1861 I bet Sakuya loves to stealthy undress Remi-chan when they're in public
Why is everyone looking at Sanae? Look! Sakuya is a good girl too!
>>2229 I think she lacks something...
Verily I say unto you, this is how Sakuya looks without her pads.
>>2229 >Look! Sakuya is a good girl too! Good girl in name only, for it is neither.
>>399 (OP) So where are thequints Anon?
>>2241 Look closely.
>>2232 An OnlyFans account?
>>2253 Good girls shouldn't expose their ××××××× to everyone!
>>2255 That's right, Sanae's OnlyFans is pictures of her exposing Kogasa's ×××××××!
>>1863 Sakuya only uses her powers for good!
>>3916 Whose good?
>>2256 Why is Sanae bullying that umbrella? She's a good girl.
>>3931 >good girl She's a youkai. All youkai deserve rape.
>>3936 >She's a youkai. Technically yeah... In the same breath that a Serval is a 'dangerous' predator towards humans I guess. >All youkai deserve rape. If by 'rape' you mean married to me and passionately loved and fugged until she becomes the mother of many of our children then sure I'm all on board with this fully consensual romantic 'rape' with Kogasa.
>>3936 Shut up Reimu, Kogasa is cute
Kogasa is always happy to loan a helping hand to those in need.