/2hu/ - Touhou

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Be cautious when leaving the house.
>lesbian crows
guess i'm safe then :^)
Replies: >>3001
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tengu are trans, asshole
Replies: >>3003
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I want to suckle on Aya's firm, girthy, succulent tengu nose!
Replies: >>3017 >>3022 >>3035
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Oh no! A perverted crow sneaked into my house and started raping me!
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Her nose is quite big!
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This mountainkikess' cliffy sniffer is begging for me to sink my teeth into its gristly bridge and roughly tousle it up.
Replies: >>3024
Sorry I don't speak Tenguish
that artist gives me the creeps
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The crows have been deemed a danger to the ecosystem and are now being exterminated with the help of hunting bitches.
Replies: >>3082
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Rape the crows! Murder the crows! Pillage the crows!
Replies: >>3142
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Help! This is murder!
Crow murder!
A murder of crows!
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Crows are now attempting to employ seduction towards saving themselves!
Replies: >>3162
Let's breed crows!
I like how much it freaks the crows out when I stare at them in the streets.
Replies: >>3331
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It would freak you too if the crows would stare at you.
Replies: >>3333
I would whip my dick out if we weren't in public.
Replies: >>3334
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You can take a crow inside your house.
Replies: >>3335
BRB, crownapping local nestlings.
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