What's your favorite group of characters? I like the Moriya crew the most. They're a bunch of sketchy weirdoes and I find that very charming.
>>243 (OP) I don't like them but I sure want to fuck Sanae's butt.
>>256 That's a step toward the Moriya brain worm.
>>258 What worm?
The Scarlet gang. So elegant and refined.
>>256 When tempted by the jewriya, simply remember that 11 has better girls across the board, aside from maybe the bucket. However, if you absolutely must fuck Sanae's butt, always be sure to say "no faith" afterwards.
>>243 (OP) Tell me about the Moriya crew. What makes them such sketchy weirdos?
I want a sanasamakura.
>>260 gang gang, nigga, gang gang. 4 real y'all!
>>366 Basically
bird youkai group
>>1786 Bread is a junk food for birds
>>1790 true my cock also loves these cookies i bought for him