The Yama should grow up
You should grow up.
The Yama should throw up
>>2117 The Yama should stop drinking from the toilet!
Wanna hear a joke? Why Ms. Shiki still haven't bought a color TV? Because she sees everything in black and white!
>>2111 Oh no! Going to hell and getting raped by Eiki for thousands of years!
>>2135 There is no Eiki in hell. Only Bubba the kishin.
>>2137 What is she doing?
>>2130 Here's a funny one: The Yama is YO MOMMA XDDDD
>>2111 I want to get scolded by her!
The Yama's gaping butthole, filled to the brim with smelly and sticky semen.
>>2144 Wash your cum from time to time, geez!
>>2145 I've tried, but then it turned into something like half-wet flakes.
>>2141 She will scold you and then punish you with her huge rod! Prepare your ass!
I heard that Eiki has an ultra special punishment for those whose sins outweigh her ass.
>>2148 >whose sins outweigh her ass. Not possible.
She's too careless!
>>2120 She misclicked, okay
>>2139 What do you think?
>>2148 >I heard that Eiki has an ultra special punishment for those whose sins outweigh her ass. Here it is!