why lock the meta thread bro welcome
>>2 (OP) Meta thread comes when activating the bunker itself becomes necessary. It's just a fallback for plw/2hu/. Are you a global hotpocket? The board was supposed to be locked.
You are the furries of anime.
>>29 Aren't those just kemono.
>>31 Those are just furries
>>29 pretty sure those are kigurumi
>>29 2hudups btfo
I'm testing out the captcha. I really don't get it.
>>197 It's simple.
Match squares with pictures. What's so hard?
>>197 some autist remade this so it was lossless a while back
>>208 What are you talking about? Does that mean some retard drew a pixelart only to save it as a jpeg?
>>229 either that or the actual original was lost because if you reverse searched it you'd find the same crusty shit on boorus
>>230 >Source: instagram.com The consequences of industrial revolution.
Tried to convert >>208 to png with pallete 16 colors, but it fucked colors up a bit. 27 colors you say. I don't know if there is a software somewhere for unfucking pixel art saved as jpg. Can you use some other word for smart people than autists, can we go back to nerd or otaku or whatever?
>>427 There is, it's called paintbucket tool.
>>438 Did you mean "magic wand tool"?
Imagine having to select pixels before painting over them, what, can't you just eye the color difference? Weak.
>>439 Actually yeah, I did mean my magic wand, but, I guess, it wasn't wrong to compare it to a bucket of paint.
From /geimu/
>>457 I can already tell from just this one image how much better /geimu/ is compared to zzz/v/ or cakechan/v/
It's allright, but very dead. Chiller than /animu/ or /hgg/ for sure.
>>461 Hi Eden
was this board more or less active than this on plw? asking because I, myself, never browsed it before it moved here
>>748 about the same, dead with sporadic spurts of activity
>>750 dead with sporadic spurts of jizz