Can't rape the willing.
This is Sanae's casual street clothes.
Hey, Tenshi-chan. Wanna see a miracle?
You can't rape Star... Because she will rape you to death first!
>>2162 Damn, that shota's dick must be real flexible!
Above images contain dicks going inside 3 little girls and one little boy.
Above poster's pants still contain none.
Above poster is very very bored.
>>2162 Don't try to get raped by Luna. She made me wear Sunny's dress, and I thought it was some kinky roleplay shit, but instead she sat me down lectured me on some fairy rights movement bullshit for three hours straight. 0/10, would literally get ass-fisted by a kappa over putting up with this shit.
>>2165 Wait, your dick isn't fexible? You can't tie it in a double knot? That's pretty strange.
>>2170 Did she at least kicked you in the balls?
>>2171 Not without Yuuka's help, maybe I should ask her to teach me.