/2hu/ - Touhou

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>unique IPs: 5
Well, we're boring, no surprise.

That japanese site that hosted a collection of touhou ascii art closed down some time ago. Rot and decay everywhere. Let's jump into sun, with passion.

Nobody haven't even posted a single touhou video in the last forever. Annoying kaptcha. Shitty as fuck site. Most people moved into other jap stuff that aren't touhou.

Will a board suddenly get populated by millionaires if you call it /millionaires/
Replies: >>1769 >>1951
So, one is a spambot, that makes it 4.
Replies: >>1951
Your asshole is a spambot nigger
Replies: >>1951
>Annoying kaptcha
wipe the drool off your shirt, retard
Replies: >>1951
enjoy spending half of your time here proving that you are a living human being again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again
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I will
Replies: >>1951
>failing the IQ test
Replies: >>1951
We should pester sturg to make captcha into quadratics.
Replies: >>1951
We should force people to write a 5 pages essay on why we love touhou before they can post. In japanese, hebrew and arabic.
Replies: >>1951
I'm here
Replies: >>1951
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I'm only posting this to see if it's still as bad as the last time I've posted here.
Replies: >>1782 >>1951
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Oh, this time I made it first try. Last time i needed 20 tries!
Replies: >>1951
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Replies: >>1951
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Replies: >>1951
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