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Do you think there's ever been times where a human who's lived in the village their whole life came up to Reimu, told them they're tired of living in Gensokyo, and asked her to send them to the outside world?  Or even gone as far as pretending to be an outsider in order to get sent there?  How do you think things have gone for them?  To what extent has this concept already been explored?
Replies: >>1280
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>>1279 (OP) 
>Do you think there's ever
>To what extent
Replies: >>1291
But the image you posted only provides more motive for them to ask for such a thing.
Replies: >>1293
What thing?
To be let through the barrier they don't know exists into the world they hear so rarely from, it might as well be a youkai conspiracy?
Replies: >>1295
Seen lots of stories of "X enters Gensoukyou", but not a single "X tries to leave Gensoukyou".

I think you should ask Yukari rather than Reimu if you want out so badly. I'm not sure if kommonners have an easy way of reaching them, they'll probably be teared up by Horny Nameless Fairies before getting to them.
If info about the barrier was that unknown, it wouldn't reach outsiders that make it to the village either.
Replies: >>1297 >>1298
One of the monsters just tells them

The person to ask would probably be mokou, but that involves going through one of the more dangerous areas. Remilia is probably approachable but literally everyone else in the mansion (except meiling if you're outside) would probably kill you on sight. You could just become a taoist and not go wondering till you're already more than human though, no reason not to.
I don't get what you're saying, sorry.
Nobody but toe-hoes knows about the barrier.
If any outsiders ever settled in the village it, probably happened multiple decades ago, and they most likely came from just as much of a bumfuck of nowhere mountain village without ever noticing any barriers.
Replies: >>1299
>If any outsiders ever settled in the village it, probably happened multiple decades ago, and they most likely came from just as much of a bumfuck of nowhere mountain village without ever noticing any barriers.
Except that's completely wrong and it's been mentioned before that outsiders are deciding to stay in the village by choice at an increasing rate.
Replies: >>1302
Lunatic Runagate?
Either way, the point is - Gensokyo is situated in the buttcrack of the world, and any visitors it gets are more or less as clueless as it's inhabitants.
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