Post malehus. No, don't just draw a girl and give her a dick, you faggot.
>>1098 cute
You will survive. Your anus will not.
Those two look kinda manly.
Reasonably sure op is intentionally posting like a maximum faggot to discourage everyone else from ever posting malehus. A gayop, if you will.
For the comfiest Nohomo Experience™©®, open Settings -> Post Filters, and add Name:^(?!nohomo) regex[x] Tripcode:^(?!\!\!\lx1JSWRH0=) regex[x] Or just ctrl-f or something. Or you know, you can search for touhou genderswap tags on danbooru. But that's not nohomo enough. 【Kawakatsu and the Menreiki's God Extermination!!】
chikage_(kinokodou) 6940374369 post(s) were removed from this page at the artist's request (learn more). I'd repost everything he ever made if captcha here wasn't this horrible.
Drawing genderswaps is a good exercise in character design and anatomy. Difference in male and female anatomy is pretty subtle, but it's there, and showing it well is a sign of a great artist. Cute girls get even cuter if there is some guy to contrast them with.
There are like 4 male characters in the entire project. If you count turtles and coulds as male, that is. Or maybe 5 now, there is some fortune teller something. I wonder if he is half youkai through crossbreeding or some other means. His mere existance is probably one of the lewdest details about touhou, males exist and crossbreading is possible. I'm ashamed of taking a "cute girls do cute things" game in this direction, but not enough to keep silent about that.
Is a thread even really a thread if it's just a single fag dumping images and talking to himself?
It's 2 faggots talking to themselves now.
This captcha is fun. Great board guys.
That was very homosexual of you.
>>1271 Not sure if gay, could be a genderswap.
The way they just give females bigger eyes is cheating. Cute, sure, but cheating.
This will double the thread, you say?
More like page 2 takes a bit to update.
should've just deleted that shit, why stop at spoilering
asutora male? check. hu? check. nohomo? check.
>>1310 is spoilered How do I know our board owner is a gay faggot?
Heh, apparently saying "fuck faggots" is enough to bait some people.
not sure if belongs here, but whatever
ttps:// lmao what is that site. Please internet, I'm not sure what to think, please think for me! If anyone has a better resolution, please share. ttps:// watermark >OP is banned for brigading. HAHAHAHAH. Why talk when you can just ban. I guess this pic is nohomo enough. Modern animu draws males and females almost exactly the same, and I guess males nowadays aren't as muscular as they were 50 years ago, truth in television. Halfhomo.
this is my role model
We'll get this thread to the bump limit
good morning
you sure love dicks, eh
>>1447 How big is your folder by now?
>>1449 Not even 4 GB, actually.
what is this gay shit
Allright, let's finish this I guess. Reminder. For the comfiest Sometimes Homo Experience™©®, open Settings -> Post Filters, and add Name: ^(?!nohomo) regex[x] Tripcode: ^(?!\!\!\lx1JSWRH0=) regex[x] This will hide every post on every board too, and I don't know how to work around that. Maybe keep this thread hidden most of the time and add that when you get in the mood? I don't know.
That poor Youmu-kun, surrounded by absolute chads.
no homo here dude
The emptiest thread so far.
>>2869 Mad? Good.
Sarcastic is a more fitting word. But yes, there is a bit of anger in here. And insanity too I guess.