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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

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Anyone remember /sudpol/? It was a board that was generally made to discuss shit like Hitler being in Antarctica, the warm caves in Antarctica, (maybe) hollow earth, and all of the other weird shit like nazi bells and directions to hidden locations and the like. The last thing I remember is plans to just go off the clearnet, and not even into torniggery, just like a closed circle to go find more shit.
Then, when 8chan disappeared, it kinda just fell off the map like a lot of other smaller boards. So the question is, what happened?
Also Antarctica thread I guess.
Replies: >>640 >>897
>>638 (OP) 
I'd honestly expect it just fizzled out like that one /pol/ group that wanted to buy land in Africa (Namibia IIRC) and establish a White colony there.

Besides - with Antarctica, I'd be more worried what's gonna happen there in the future. With all the natural resources still waiting under the ice, I would be surprised if the US and Russia hadn't already planted bases there that don't show up on any maps. Kind of like Camps Fistclench and Century.
>>638 (OP) 
It was nearly dead toward the end of 8chan, getting about one or two posts a week, due to fizzling out over time.
Chances are it simply died after 8chan did.
Replies: >>916
I miss reading through /fringe/ threads on 8chan.
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I have no idea if this is a genuine document, so proceed with caution.
Replies: >>1188
To the best of my knowledge, the German WWII-era Kriegsmarine had no "A-Class" u-boats - they were designated by Roman numerals followed by a letter, so the first U-Boat class designed in the Third Reich was "IA" and the last was the midget submarine XXVIIB.

I'm also a bit skeptical about the u-boats descending to a depth of 400 meters. Most German subs had a test depth of ~200m, with a calculated crushing depth of around 300m.
That being said, the Los Angeles class developed by the US in 1942 already had a test depth of 450m, so it's at least possible the Kriegsmarine had a secret u-boat project specifically aiming for deep-dive cruises.
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