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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

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So this apparently is a thing over at baguette land right now (or rather, has been a thing since the entire year). Basically, French farmers are complaining that unknown attackers kill or at least mutilate their horses, with things ranging from ears being cut off to "injuries in the anal and vaginal areas".
What makes this more interesting than the prospect of severely sexually frustrated Bronyfags is that France also has seen an uptick in what allegedly is Satanism, with numerous churches being desecrated (to be fair, the alleged Satanists would share that hobby with with local representants from the religion of peace).

So what's your take - are there attackers actual satanists? Have Muslims decided that horses are now haram, too? Or are it just some edgy teenage kids hopping onto something which never would have happened if the media had not bothered to report on it?
Replies: >>45 >>47
>>43 (OP) 
We live in a world where attacks on horses could either be satanists or bronys.
Replies: >>262
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>>43 (OP) 
>So what's your take
Probably a bunch of niggers high off their asses. Disturbing regardless of who or what though.
I'm gonna put my money on niggers.
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>ranging from ears being cut off to "injuries in the anal and vaginal areas".
Reminds me of vid related, is that all the information that has been divulged on these incidents?
Replies: >>282

This article quotes the French agriculture minister Julien Denormandie, with him saying that "ears are cut off, eyes removed, an animal is emptied of its blood". One horse owner also is described as having struggled with two (human) attackers who went after his horses with a pruning knife.

Ultimately, I doubt there's ayyliens involved in cattle mutilations. Wannabe satanists, animal haters, or people who have it out against the owner of the animals for one reason or another seem more likely culprits.
The entire thing about eyes/ears/genitalia being mutilated also isn't that surprising when you consider that a) animal predators will often go for these first as the soft tissue is easier to eat than having to chew through the animal's hide, and b) human culprits may intentionally target those areas for the shock factor in itself.
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