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What do you listen to spookster anons? Any favorites?

Graveyard Tales is 2 old southern fags shit talking random spooky events and is well worth a listen.

Jim Harrold's camp fire is a call in show where people tell him their creepy or weird stories and he compiles them into an episode. Pretty hit or miss with the odd story which will linger in the back of your mind. He also does the paranormal podcast where he interviews two different people each week. Mostly trying to sell you books but still some quality there.

Mysterious universe. 2 aussies shit posting at maximum non-banned from youtube levels.
Bedtime Stories is pretty cool, they have an artist that draws out the stories they collect from their fans or from stories they find online.
Strange But True Stories is kind of hit and miss on their stories but they have some good stuff.
If I want cheap vids I usually go to Nukes Top 5 but I hate how he doesnt link to the raw videos he features.
Missing 411 before YouTube finally deleted his channel enough times to give up the podcast and make a TV show that isn't as good.
Replies: >>274
Monsters Among Us is a call-in show for "real" paranormal experiences.  Hit or miss and some calls are BS but others seem genuinely believable.
What the hell are you talking about? One of the knockoff channels that uploads old David Paulides interviews? Because Paulides is on jewtube, he uploaded this week.
Replies: >>281
TV show, his new show, whatever, almost all of his old stuff is gone.
Replies: >>291
He doesn't have a tv show. I think you're confused, there were some "imposter" channels that he's been complaining about that got deleted recently. He has movies, which are all still up on youtube. His actual channel is called "Canam Missing Project".
Replies: >>293
His documentaries and some scenes in the trailer looked like TV shows or specials but he definitely had a podcast years that was repeatedly deleted by YouTube for discussing things that were too close for the alphabet's comfort.
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