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Hey /x/
Let me tell you about the time I came across a prehistoric beaver.

For the record...
1. I  am a longtime lurker, first time poster.
2. This is prewritten, I am posting this from my phone, and I will try to greentext everything except for important descriptions.
3. This is NOT a forskinwalker thread. To be frank, I don’t even believe that skinwalkers are real nor do I believe in the existence of Sasquatch, aliens, or anything like that.
4. Before anyone asks, I will not disclose the exact location this took place. The retards here have a bad habit of shooting anything that breathes and I would hate to see them kill what l I had come across. 

With that out of the way, here’s my story:
>It all takes place on an island in the smack middle of a 51 mi^2 lake somewhere in east Texas. The island is 45min from shore and has a land mass of about 2 square miles.
>When I had learned about this lake, 4 of my friends and I had planned to spend 3 full days innawoods.
>We were going to paddle out to the big island, and get ourselves into some typical /k/ tomfoolery.
>Unfortunately, I ended up going alone. Which wasn’t too disheartened because I brought along my 9mm Smith&Wesson and 2 mags loaded with hollow points.
>The day my trip began I used an old metal canoe to get to the island. Its dented to all hell and isn’t anything particularly fancy.
>Pic related.
>When I arrived at the island I hopped out, set up camp, then decided to do a bit of exploring.
>Most of my photos were taken as soon as I had arrived because I was scared that it would die, leaving me stranded in the case of an emergency. It wasn’t like my phone was fully charged either. I played music the entire car ride there which drained my battery significantly.
>Anyways... While exploring I noticed that the island’s flora was larger than usual. Bristle / Thistle weeds were between shoulder and head height and the stalk was a little bit thicker than a shovel’s handle. The Oak trees were ginormous. They had to have been 150+ years old.
>It wasn’t just the flora either.
>The same applied to the insects, snakes, and other usually small critters. I saw several water moccasins that were well over 6ft long. Slugs as long, if not longer, than 6inches. None of which is anything particularly special. They were all just really big in comparison to their mainland counterparts. 
>I did see larger normal-sized critters as well. I accidentally startled a doe which in turn scared the crap outta me and came across tracks from at least 4 or 5 different deer. I also found a hog skull and the skull of some kind of cat. It could have been from a domestic cat that swam to the island but I highly doubt it. 
>The last kind of animal I encountered and the one that is the most important to my story, are the island’s beavers.
>Not many people know this but they are indigenous to Texas.I grew up seeing them from time to time when my dad would take me to local lakes and creeks to fish. So it came as no surprise to me when I stumbled upon some beaver tracks and an insane amount of felled trees on the island.
>What did surprise me though was the time I was cooking some camp cuisine and heard a beaver chomp down on a tree. It scared me half to death. It sounded like someone taking several comically large bites out of an apple. Yet no matter how much I searched I could not locate the source of the sound.

>However you wouldn’t be hearing about this if it wasn’t for the time I actually saw one of these beavers. 

>It happened on day 3. During the previous two nights I called my wife because I had been missing her. Each of the calls lasted well over an hour and 30min which drained my phone battery even more. The morning of day 3 I called her to tell her my plan (i.e. when I planned on leaving and what time I should be getting home). Shortly after the call my phone died on me. 
>I got a little shaken up because of this and decided that I should explore all of the parts of the island I hadn’t already explored then pack up and leave.
>FFW a couple hours. As I was strolling through a fairly wooded part of the island that is dotted with various dense thickets of shrubbery, I heard a bit of movement coming from one of the thickets which made me jump. After the initial shock I got real quiet. 
>Because my previous encounter with the deer that scared the crap out of me, I wanted to catch a glimpse of a deer grazing or just chilling before it notices me. In my mind I’d be showing the deer whose really “the king of the woods.” Which sounds stupid looking back but I can’t change the past now. 
>Anyways.. When I snuck to a considerable distance, I slowly started to circle around the thicket where the noise was coming from.
>After taking what felt like an hour to get a to spot where I could see the other side of the thicket, I caught a glimpse of a huge brown furry thing. It was about the size of a black bear which made me assume that it may have been... well... a bear. 
>Having never dealt, been around, much less seen a bear, I silently freaked out and backed away then rushed up the nearest climbable tree. I knew that bears are more than capable of climbing up trees. I thought I could get the drop on it by just unloading all of my ammo into the thing.
>After calming myself down, I pulled out my binoculars and watched this thing meander for a bit. I quickly noticed that didn’t move like bears do in nature docs nor was it shaped like one. It looked like a giant rat bear hybrid. It was way too rotund, It’s back legs were far more prominent than its front legs, it’s face looked so strange, it bore huge fangs, and had a massive tail. 
>I remember thinking to myself, “This bear is seriously fucked up.”
>Eventually it made its way around the side of thicket that was closest to me, which gave me a way better look at this thing. At this point I realized, this wasn’t some kind of mutant rat-bear thing. It just wasn’t a bear. It was a giant beaver.
>Other than it’s tail, it looked exactly like a normal beaver just astronomically bigger than any of the ones I had seen. The tail was thinner than it should have been and was furry. Not flat like other beavers tails.
>I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and even pulled out my phone to take a picture so that I could show you guys. I didn’t realized that it had died earlier that morning until I tried turning it on.
>With no way of documenting this animal or getting some kind of proof, I decided to just enjoy my encounter with the unexplained no matter how confused I was. I sat up in that tree watching this giant beaver for what seemed like forever before it disappeared back into the woods. When it did, I immediately climbed out of the tree and ran back to camp. I packed my things up and headed home as soon as I was able.
>Once my phone had charged via car charger I ranted and raved to my wife about what I saw. She sort of believes me but thinks it may have been a trick of the eye or something like that. I seemed so certain about my finding that she didn’t want to shoot me down.
 >And after doing a fair bit of research I realize that what I encountered was some kind of castoroides, a giant prehistoric beaver. I’m not sure if it was a direct descendant or a relative of the species but I know for damn sure it isn’t like any beaver I’ve seen before. 

>Anyways that’s my story. That may sound anticlimactic because I didn’t shoot a wendickgo with my mosin or whatever. But it’s a true story. Anybody I tell this to does not believe me so I was hoping you robots could share similar Mega Fauna experiences/encounters. I want to be able to tell my wife and my family that other people have encountered similar things that I have. That way they’ll stop trying to convince me that I was dehydrated, etc.
Replies: >>1527
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>>1256 (OP) 
>megafauna thread
I have never personally met any megafauna myself but in my opinion it's fairly likely they still exist or existed among humans at one point. I imagine it would have been a terrifying experience as a human in the neolithic era to encounter a dire bear. Honestly, I think encountering just about any ice age animal would be terrifying.
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