“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin
How do you call the country: 1. United States of America 2. United Snakes of America 3. United Sluts of America 4. United States of Kufr 5. United States of Haram 6. United Kafirs of America 7. United States of Antichrist 8. Own option ?
Laird's Applejack
unitedstatesofamerica.com Being that it's only a domain name and anyone can rent the server space that it points to. There are often issues with DNS resolution, but you get what you pay for. Terms of service subject to change.
>>929 (OP) ZOGtropolis
>>932 why tropolis? Then ZOGtranniepolis )
Muttland Los Estados Unidos de America. Burgerkistan
>>934 Never understood why Alaska is a mutt in this one, it's probably the whitest state outside of Maine.
>>941 Maybe it's a mutt in this case due to the high amount of Indians. Kind of funny because the Indians I know don't really mix outside of their own kind but maybe different /pol/acks have met different Indians. Does anyone have experience with Indians from Alaska?
>>944 > Does anyone have experience with Indians from Alaska? sexual experience?