/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

with a mortar launcher

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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Is this place a fed honeypot? Be honest with me.
>>763 (OP) 
I don't like honey at all.
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>>763 (OP) 
You'll know it is once it's filled with the same tired psyops as every other /pol/ imageboard
>endless abrahamic spam
>endless "is X white" spam
>endless mainstream political shilling
>endless social media screencap ragebait threads
Replies: >>777
>>763 (OP) 
I'm still waiting for them to offer me a job so no.
Just mention trump and they begin spazing the fuck out.
Replies: >>778
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>just mention zionist puppet #10340 dancing to the tune of the israeli anthem and watch sane people call you out for being a retard
don't mind if I do
Replies: >>780
Right on cue
Replies: >>782
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>noooooo you have to like zognald dup!!!!!
>nooooooooooo you can't possibly be a right wing if you don't like israe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>fucking feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Replies: >>783
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>never mention support in favor of or against
>instantly assume support in favor
You are as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning holy shit.
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>>763 (OP) 
By just having the thoughts that you're thinking, you're already on a list, anon, so what does it matter at this stage?
So what is the plan, fellow anonymous?
Replies: >>812 >>813
Build an internet firewall around mexico, and make the mexican ISPs pay for it.
carve a small ":^)" on a random federal building somewhere
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>>763 (OP) 
That's wrongthink, anon. The big meme we...I mean anons have been pushing is that 8chan.moe is the fed honeypot! Zzzchan is kosher as fuck and based. Sturgeon is our greatest ally against the hordes of feds, why else would he insist on using Cloudflare? Truly, the administration cares about my safety.
Replies: >>817
>The big meme we...I mean anons have been pushing is that 8chan.moe is the fed honeypot!
If it is a honeypot then honestly that'd be the least of it's problems.
>>763 (OP) 
>for political discussions, educational projects, and Minecraft event planning
Glow nigger anons, plox halp! Groom me into terrorist.
Replies: >>847
Srsly guys, i need ur halp.
Replies: >>847
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Replies: >>849
What is that for?
Replies: >>857
Opening beer bottles.
Replies: >>858
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